Tonight is Bottoms Up

747 15 4

Warnings: Angst & Drinking 

(Y/F/B) = Your Favorite Brew

"Shot of Whiskey, Jack or Jim, doesn't matter." You told the bartender as you sat onto the tattered barstool. The bartender fixed the liquor right up, sitting it down in-front of you, you grabbed the glass off the bar and knocked it back, allowing for the alcohol to burn your throat on the way down. "Another." You said, flipping the glass over.

"Rough day?" the bartender asked, pouring you another shot.

"Something like that." You sighed, trying to block out the off key karaoke coming from the make shift stage, along with the familiar laughter coming from the corner booth behind you.

You didn't dare turn around, you knew he was with her again. You won't lie, you wish it was you that he would look at like the world revolved around, the look that you hear about in songs, the look that you give him. But unfortunately you fell into the category that most girls fall into when they fall for their best friend, the ever dreaded friendzone.

"If you keep downing alcohol like that there won't be any for the rest of us [Y/N]." a husky voice proclaimed as they came up behind you.

"That would be a shame." You smarted off, taking your second shot of Jack, before grabbing the attention of the bartender "Can I get a bottle of [Y/F/B]?"

"No problem, but I am gonna need you keys." The bartender told you.

You reached into your purse, pulling the metal out, sitting them on the bar. "Not planning on going anywhere soon."

"I'll make sure she gets home." You heard the husky voice say again before you felt the air shift beside you as he sat down. "Alright, who is he?"

"What do you mean Seb?" You turned your head, finally taking in your best friend's appearance as you tried your best to act clueless towards his question. Sebastian Stan, the ever so popular Hollywood actor who just so happened to be your best friend of over ten years. His hair was shorter than normal, curly on top and combed back on the sides, the red Henley and dark blue jeans making him all the more desirable.

"I mean that normally you never drink this much unless it's over a guy or someone has done something to really piss you off. So which is it?"

You took a sip of cold brew before letting out a wry laugh "So what I'm not allowed to drink unless I'm depressed or angry now?"

Sebastian stared at you, his blue eyes captivating you. "How about we both call it a night and I treat you to the biggest bowl of ice cream you can buy from the store down the street?"

"Only if you split it with me." You smiled, finally feeling the effects of the alcohol.

"Doll when do we not split a bowl?" He laughed.

You reached into your purse, pulling out a few bills, throwing them onto the bar.

"Sebby!" you heard the squeal of a familiar blonde as you were about to turn around to leave. 'Margarita.' You thought as your heart sunk, you completely forgot about her being here. "Oh Hey [Y/N]." the woman said, faking a smile before looping her arm through Sebastians. "Babe, I love this song, let's go dance."

Before you could acknowledge Margaritas presence, or Sebastian could politely decline, she was dragging him away towards the dance floor, Sebastian looked back giving you a sad smile. You sighed, sitting back down onto the barstool, this is what your life had become over the past two years. The man practically has to schedule you in when he was off, just to have your weekly movie night, which he has cancelled on you for the past month now.

Sebastian Stan / ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now