See You Tonight

900 15 11

Warnings: Language

It was your first day on the job you we're nervous but super excited as you had been hired as a make-up artist for the latest Marvel Movie. They had not told you yet who you would be working with but was highly qualified and ecstatic even if you were to be just working with minor background characters.

You arrived at the studio at seven, going to the crew meeting where you received loads of information and paperwork that kept you busy right through the morning until the higher ups decided to break for lunch, knowing next to no one you decided to wonder around the studio and see what you could get into.

You pulled back the large metal door with the number three on it, walking straight into a wall of solid muscle.

"I am so sorry!" you said as you backed up, feeling calloused hands on your arms attempting to steady you.

"No, it was my fault, I was trying to post a picture to Instagram and instead this meemee came up and now I can't get it out of my head." A familiar voice spoke, causing you to look up.

"You know it's pronounced Meem, right?" you laugh.

"Don't judge me." He jokingly glared.

"[Y/N]." you said holding out your hand.

"Sebastian." He said taking your hand in his. "But I'm sure you already knew that."

"I may or may not have watched most of your work one too many times."

He let out a laugh, that sounded like music to your ears. "So [Y/N] is there somewhere you are heading or..."

"I'm just trying to get a layout of the place."

Sebastian raised a curious eyebrow. "Umm..."

"Not like that," you laughed again "I mean I am a make-up artist starting on set number three tomorrow, I am just trying to figure out this place."

"What movie?"

"Well since you are here I would assume the same one that you will be working on."

"Ahhh... well maybe I will be seeing you around then." He smiled.


"Pleasure to meet you [Y/N]." he said walking away.

"Likewise Mr. Sebastian." You said as you headed back to the conference room.

The next day you arrived on set early, grabbing the manila envelope that help who you would be working your magic on before heading off to the make-up trailer to get your stuff set up.

You pulled the single sheet out of the envelope, looking through the list of names.

'Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan...' you smiled at the thought of getting to work with Sebastian. You read over the rest of the names before pulling out the binder that tells you what make-up they need and grabbing the materials needed for the day.

"Don, I promise I'm not doing anything stupid. You're worse than my mother." A familiar voice spoke as he walked into the trailer. "I gotta go, I have to be on set in an hour." Sebastian said as he hung up the phone.

"[Y/N]" Sebastian smiled.

"Sebastian, if you could just have a seat and we'll get you started."

And from there things progressed, you and Sebastian became good friends, even spending time together off set.

"Hey! [Y/N]!" Sebastian called you over towards the both that several of the actors we're occupying.

You made your way through the throngs of people at the wrap party, "Yes?" you said sliding in next to Chris Evans.

Sebastian Stan / ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now