1- Strange City

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Our world is a really weird, weird place full of strange people.

When I was young, I used to think that I was the only strange one in a crowd of normal folks, especially in Paris where adults are all the same in their little squares. To be honest, writing stories days and nights didn't really helped my case. Then, people discovered that villains and super-heroes were real, and everyone became a little bit strange too, being akumatized and all.

I was also strange too, once. Me, Marc, the boy who spent all his free-time under the stairs writing stories, became a black and white evil being reversing every citizen in Paris, creating chaos and anarchy. I almost destroyed the city with flying trash-cans coming from space, can you believe that ? The shyest boy in town became a punk for an afternoon and, according to the news reports, that was awesome.

Since then, I understood that life could take a wild turn in ten seconds, just the time for your favorite artist to tear the pages of your favorite notebook. Since the moment I was deakumatized by our favorite super heroes, Nathaniel and I became the best team ever. We created our first comic right after the event, and since then, it became crystal clear : we were meant to be working together, me writing stories, him drawing my stories. I think we can say that we are now best friends.

We never stopped doing comics. Even now that we are in college, we are still working on the twentieth issue of The Adventures of Ladybug. We even decided to rent a flat together in order to keep creating, dreaming for an editor to contact us so we could finally make money out of our passion.

Nath seemed to believe in it. He even decided to keep doing his studies with an art cursus, wanting to improve more and more his artstyle and to discover more inspiring artists. I personnaly believe that a 20 and a 21 years old boy can't make it out in this society. I'm feeling stuck in a literary cursus because that's the only thing that seemed the closest to what I loved, but, honestly, I'm not sure that studies are really made for me. Also, when I'm trying to figure this out, even if we managed to get an editor and were able to make this our job, nothing proves to me that we'll stay as close as we are. I'm so clumsy with people, even more with the ones I have feelings for.

Yes, I said it, I've been in love with this red-headed... cutie pie for years. No, I never had the guts to spill out my feelings to his face. How can I stand a chance, now that he became so... So adult, and so handsome ? Loads of girls surely felt for his tied carrot hair, and his beautiful chiseled face, his cute smirk... Plus, how the hell did he grew as tall as me ? I'm pretty sure that the « friends » he brought sometimes here were not only « friends », these girls were too pretty and blushy to be that. They always had an excuse, like « Oh Nath, please, teach me how to draw bodies as good as you do ! », or « Can you teach me how you convey so much feelings in your drawings ? Pleaaaaase ? »...Come on. Nobody is that gullible.

Wait, stop, Marc, don't let yourself being carried out by your feelings. I know the chances for us to be together at this point are near to zero. Also, if I lose our friendship, I'll have no tangible ways to live. No more comics to sell, way too anxious to get a job... It sounds like a nightmare. Furthermore, the only projection I have of myself in the future is being alone, in my study, writing stories as a living. I am not really good for doing anything else, to be honest, and this strange city is a dark place for young artists, I'll never be able to get famous if I keep being stuck like this.

« Hey, Marc ? ...Hey ! »

His voice wakes me up from my thoughts. I smile at him, a little bit self-conscious, while he analyzes me with a concerned look.

« It's already past midnight... Maybe you zoned-out because you're tired ? Do you want to call it done for tonight ?
- N... No ! Don't worry, I can finish this chapter, I... I don't want to slow you down. »

I try to keep writing, shaking, feeling my face burning out of embarrasment. I can see him smile from the corner of my eye. I hope that he is proud of me, but I honestly start to feel heavy. We weren't really able to sleep a lot lately, juggling between our courses and our project.

« Thanks, Marc. Let me get us some coffee. »

While Nath gets to our kitchenette, I take some time to look at our flat. Our study is melted with the kitchen, the living room and the entrance, being one big room connecting both our bedrooms. There is only one bathroom, but at least, we have a cool bathtub. We also have plants, I don't even know how we got so many of them. They are everywhere, decorating this place and making it our little private heaven. Our table is against the wall, cut with a big window giving us a look to the street, up from the seventh floor of the building.

I lose myself looking at the citylights, through the big window. Is it going to be my life ? Being concerned by a foggy future, panicking over loosing my best friend and not being able to do anything I love ? I just want to be able to succeed at something by myself, for once.

That's it.

I should write my own novel.

Hi everyone! Hope you liked this first chapter!

I'm truly sorry if my english isn't good, it's been quite a while since I practiced it but this is really a good exercise.

I don't think that this fanfiction will be too long, but I still hope that you'll enjoy this little story.

I hope you'll like the next chapter, are you excited to discover what Marc will write? Let's hope that having his own project will make our little rainbow boy feeling better.

See you soon, smooches!

And never forget, Marc is Mayura.

Feeling Blue ( Marc x Nathaniel )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora