6- Isolated heart

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Time sure flies pretty slowly. Since I came back and was designated to stay in Adrien's bedroom, I haven't been able to sleep. This big and empty place with large windows let too much moonlight coming in the room. The only thing I can do is think about my new abilities.

Apparently, all the wishes fade off when I take off my brooch. I also go back to my normal state, but, honestly, I don't really want to do that anymore. I don't want to feel shaky again. Plus, it seems that I don't really have a countdown to detransform. Although, the more I use feathers and the longer I do, the more I feel exhausted and ready to pass out. If I use all of my 11 feathers, I have only around five minutes to detransform. Even if it sounds quite dull, I am still pretty powerful and able to wish for pretty much everything to happen. Finally, my writing isn't useless now.

I think I deciphered everything this cursed miraculous could let me do. When the morning comes, I've only slept for some hours, still with my miraculous on. I know that I'm not going to classes, at least. I can sleep as much as I want until Hawkmoth calls me. Suddenly, I hear someone knocking at the door. It's his assistant, Nathalie. She comes close to me, holding a notebook in her hands.

« Hello, Mayura. You're keeping this form ?
- Yes. I prefer it.
- As you wish. I won't bother you for too long. I inform you that Mister Agreste wants you in his lair in a hour. And also... I wanted to give you this. »

She gives me the notebook, I look inside it. It's totally empty.

« Since you're going to stay here for a while with nothing to do, I thought that you might want to do what you liked the most, before. I'll let you prepare yourself. »

I look at the notebook with some concern while she leaves the room. Writing ? I don't really know if I'll be able to do it. But why not, right after taking a little shower. After drying myself and putting the miraculous back, I open the notebook and take the pen attached to it between my fingers. If I have to spend the rest of my life here, I should just try to keep writing this story I started to think about.

« The wolves were approaching him, and suddenly, they freeze themselves and look at something behind the young man. A small bells sound echoed and the beasts scattered. The man got up, taking his notebook back and pressing it against his chest before looking at what, or rather who, saved his life.

A man was standing there, a smile on his face, looking at him. He wore a long cape with a hood and was holding a very long staff with bells attached on it. He uncover his head and let the young man look at his beautiful red hair and his deep skye-blue eyes... »

I scribble on the words out of embarassment. Why. Was. I. Writing. That. I close the notebook, I think that I will write when all of this situation will be over.

At least, to keep myself busy, I find some novels that are still in Adrien's room. Sometimes, I wonder what happened to him. Since I arrived, I saw him nowhere in this building, neither in the mansion nor in Hawkmoth's lair. Where there an other area that I am not aware of ? Where could this boy be ? If Hawkmoth wants to be sure that he is safe, I think he would keep him close to him to check on him from time to time. So... Where is he ?

Even though that whole case is intriguing, I don't have the time to deal with that. I have to get Ladybug's earrings, as soon as possible. I guess that Luka was deakumatized as soon as I took the brooch off for the first time, so I have to choose other victims. I quickly go to Hawkmoth's lair before spreading my wings with a feather, ready to make some changes in the city of Paris.

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