Daily log

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This is the first daily log, here's how my day went.

I arrived to school, and it felt like a normal day. Well it did until after second period. I came out to my social studies teacher after the class, and she was super super supportive. Later in the day I care out to my other friend who I really trust and she was also very supportive.

I know it's shot but that's how the daily ones are goin to be


Today was somewhat good. It was decently normal, but my counselor called me in.
She told me that since I get bad anxiety in gym I could take up student aid (helping the ap and stuffs) and drop gym. I said I was gonna stick it out for the time being, but if it gets worse I will be out of gym. (The irony is I was called to the office right before gym started👌🏻) so since I was in the counselors, I was really late to class so I didn't have to dress out. (wear gym clothes) After class I did come out to another one of my friends who is supportive so yay. The rest of the day was normal, and boring.
I might come out to a few more people in the next few days but I haven't decided yet.


So other than the fact that I broke my phone nothing interesting happened so 👌

Tbh nothing happened today either🤷🏻‍♂️. I came out to a friend tho.

I came out to a couple of teachers and a friend today, so now I won't have dysphoria attacks during class.

I just had a few friends over and had a sleepover. Didn't do my homework tho...Oops...

I biked a mile and a half to a friends house and biked a main road. Everything else was normal.

School blah blah blah... got depressed, still depressed, almost relapsed. Didn't. PARTICIPATED IN GYM?!?!????!! That's it
Nothing..boring blah blah blah school
FRIDAYYYYY WOOO ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I went to my dads and played Xbox, that's about it.
Still at my dads but i got donuts and ice cream later on in the day still played Xbox 👌
Labor Day my dudes
9/4/18- 9/8/18
So I kinda forgot to write...oops nothing really happened anyway
I'm sick so I played gta all day and did nothing
It's Monday and I got to stay home. ^^^^^
Ugh had to play catch up at school, I did good in gym though.
Woop de doo I didn't upload. But it's shark week👌👌 killmenow
I had a long dysphoria attack and other than that I'm out to the whole school so.

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