Dysphoria pt.2

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I'm sorry I haven't posted there isn't a reason or excuse I just haven't. ⚠️TW⚠️

It sucks. Really it does, the way I describe mine is like this. It's like depression and anxiety had a kid and traumatized it. Because I have the feeling of depression when I get dysphoric, and the problems of anxiety. The only difference is that I can't describe my dysphoria. I know that that counteracts what I just said but it's true. I try to describe my dysphoria, but I can't because it's an indescribable thing. The only reason I compare it to depression and anxiety is because I get the same urges, as in self harm urges, and effects like feeling down and stuff. For anxiety the effects of both are that I want to crawl into a hole and stay there. Ig I also feel like shit and I'm super anti social when I get dysphoric. But reoccurring thing that happen when I get dysphoric is that I clench my teeth and fists a lot and forcefully shut my eyes, sometimes I'll do that for so long that I'll start shaking. I just want to escape this feeling and I can't take it. I'm super dysphoric while writing this but it didn't cause my dysphoria. My friend made me listen to dysphoric by cavetown and who knew, it made me hella dysphoric. And just like every other trans guy it sometimes makes my skin crawl and I want to rip everything off, for top dysphoria, and I don't speak barely when I get dysphoric about my voice. I don't know if any of this makes sense and I'm sorry if it made you dysphoric just needed to talk somewhere.

In other news I got a gay pride flag cus I'm hella gay. Here's what it looks like and where I put it.

I also ordered a trans pride flag and I'll post where I put that when I get it today, and I got a trans symbol necklace

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I also ordered a trans pride flag and I'll post where I put that when I get it today, and I got a trans symbol necklace.

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