~Chapter 6: The Death of Another Afton~

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*Isabella's POV*
I walked to the house the rest of the way, after talking with William, of course. 'What he said...was he telling the truth?' I thought, frowning.

I sat on my knees in front of William, or Golden Freddy. "Your...father....kill...us...trapped...in prison..." My eyes widened as I put the words together in my mind.

"He...killed you?" Golden Freddy's eyes glowed slightly with white specks as pupils and he became human. He had gold-ish blond hair and his eyes stayed the same as before. He wore a golden suit like Freddys, with gold bear ears.

"Yes. And then he trapped us in these cursed animatronic bodies so no one found us. We're just lucky enough to have a human form now too." He said without pausing between sentences anymore. I frowned a bit and I felt a bit of rage at my father for doing this to them.

*Flashback Over*
After that talk, I figured I'd pretend I forgot about it until he was ready to tell me. I mean, Gold probably just thought it was my father but it could've easily been someone else.

I mean, when it comes to fear, it could be a person's hallucination and a person could think that it was one person but it was really another.

When I got home, Snowflake was right at the door and she pounced up onto two legs and rested her front paws on my chest and started licking my face. I giggled a bit with a small smile.

"Okay, Snowy. You can stop licking me now." I said and she hopped down from my chest and she barked a couple times, running to the living room. I closed the door before my father came down.

"Home, Bella?" Dad called and I smiled.

"Yeah. Also, manager said there's a meeting at six in the afternoon so he wanted me to remind you of that in case you forgot." Dad came downstairs in his purple suit that he always wore when he'd head to work.

"By the way, where's the toast? I thought you would've made some a while ago." He asked and I chuckled a bit.

"Fridge on second shelf." I said and I walked over to the couch, sitting there as Dad walked into the kitchen. I sat my bag down in front of me and Dad came out holding two slices of toast.

"I better get going now. I'll see you when I get home, okay? And don't forget to take those sleeping drops." I smirked and threw him the keys to the pizzeria and the house, which he caught.

"And don't forget the keys and meeting." I said and he smiled before he opened the front door.

"See ya later, Bella." Dad said and I smiled.

"See ya later, Dad." I said, smiling. After he left, I went up to my room. And of course, Snowflake followed.

I still had the photos of my friends up on the dresser and I picked it up and sighed. I looked at my closet and thought about what Golden Freddy had said. I went over to the closet as Snowflake hopped onto my bed and just laid down on the corner of my bed with her head rested.

I put everything of my old friends in a shoebox but I kept the pictures only in there so I had to find out some place to put the frames, which I just put them in a secret door in my closet where I've kept secret photos. I sighed and I made sure everything about my friends were stored in the secret door.

I heard Snowflake bark and I looked out of the closet. She was now standing in front of my bedroom door and I slowly stood up as she continued to bark. My dad was probably at work right now so it couldn't be him.

I opened my bedroom door and footsteps sounded downstairs. I grabbed the scruff of Snowflake's neck and I signed for her quiet. She did as I signalled and stayed next to me. I stayed close to the railing and Snowflake stayed next to me on the other side.

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