Coruscant Jedi Library

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Revan, Bastila, and Eris looked out the view port at the thousands of ships orbiting around the city planet of Coruscant. Eris's excited curiosity died as they all felt suddenly cold. Revan and Bastila knew this was from the darkside and Eris was unsure, but she also thought the same. Yet in the middle of this darkness was the Jedi Temple shining like a beacon in the night. Revan quickly identified hundreds of ships that were part of a fleet. His mind instantly started thinking of how many ships would be needed to take on the home fleet. On the other hand he wondered how could the Jedi allow such darkness. There was no balance here. He was soon distracted by the traffic control.

"Freighter Ebon Hawk please state your intended destination." the robotic voice requested.

"Coruscant control our destination is the Jedi Temple." Evan replied.

"That location is restricted." The droid replied.

"I am Jedi Master Evan Rybath. I have been away from the temple for a long time." he replied.

"I highly doubt the droid will believe you, Master Rybath." Bastila countered with a bit of friendly sarcasm.

"But I think it will transfer us to a being that will." Evan replied.

"Proceed on the following flight path. Welcome back to Coruscant, Master Jedi." The droid ordered. Evan grinned at Bastila as she rolled her eyes.

"Why is it so dark here? I thought Coruscant was the center of democracy and the Jedi Order?" Eris questioned.

"I don't know, but I hope we can figure this out. Even I wasn't this dark. Bastila you better claim to be a Master as well." Evan urged.

"I don't think lying is going to get us any favors." Bastila countered.

"I know, but I feel that two masters will be heard better than a two Knights. For all we know the rank has changed over the centuries. Plus we both can do things that only masters are strong enough for." Evan stated.

"How shall I address myself?" Eris asked.

"As the Ashla Adept that you are, which you said, is similar to a senior Jedi Knight." Bastila replied. "Evan, you are only a Padawan." Evan chuckled.

"I was a Knight before I fell to the darkside." Evan countered.

"Then the full truth from me." Eris added. The dark shroud lessened the closer they got to the temple and nearly vanished as they landed on one of the outer landing pads. They moved to the ramp of the ship and both droids joined them.

"Sorry T3 I need you and HK to stay with the ship. HK you make sure no one touches the ship, but keep your weapons concealed. We don't know how the laws are regarding armed droids." Evan ordered. "You can threaten, but no killing."

"Extreme disappointment: But master I was so looking forward to infiltrating the Jedi Temple."

"Maybe in the future." Evan replied.

"Increased hope: I wait eagerly such a command, master." Eris gives the droid a bit of extra room as they leave the Ebon Hawk. Evan pauses while he stares at the Jedi Temple. He had been here before and the last time he wanted to come here was after he took Coruscant by force. Now he didn't care what the Jedi did as long as they didn't try to detain him or try to take control of him. Having your mind altered like his was, was once too many.

"Let's get this over with." Evan declared as he marched toward the temple. Bastila was right next to him and Eris followed while she gawked at all the buildings and not so distant cruisers. No one challenged them until they got to one of the entrances.

"May I help you?" A Padawan asked.

"No young one we can find our way." The boy nodded his head in a small bow as the passed him by. Bastila gasped just loud enough for Evan to hear her, as Eris was radiating awe through the Force. The Grand Entrance to the Jedi Temple could have been easily flown into. Many sculptures and images were well placed throughout the hall. Eris had lost little of her wonder as they moved beyond the hall. After a brief viewing of directory, Bastila lead them confidently over to a series of lifts.

"The library first."

"I was going to say that." They both shared a smile with each other. Eris followed as everything was so different. From the robes they wore to the way their art was displayed to the simple choices in paint. That they even sounded differently. Pronouncing words differently or some she had trouble recognizing. As they entered the Library she was struck curious with how it was set up. Evan and Bastila sat down at a set of terminals off to the side, and they only took a second to get it working. Eris put on her holoreaders and plugged in the connection device. The system took several minutes before giving her and error. Not to be discouraged she opened her data pad and sent the program to the library computer to use her readers.

"Just use the control pad."

"But that is so old." The system beeped in her ear as the menu she was used to, appeared in her view. The system took note of the program that she used and compared it to thousands of others. It was like not other program ever used or recorded and the company certificates were different. Something not that unusual for the library to encounter, but the oddity was how the program was put together with many different languages. The main droid controller for the library noted the programming and took it apart. The deeper the droid dug for comparative data the more questions were asked requiring even more searches.

"I am amazed at everything the Jedi have done. The situations that were handled with such wisdom. Or all the things that we could have shared."

"I find it disturbing, Eris."

"I do as well Bastila. The entire Order is nothing like it used to be. I tried to link into the Great Holocron to find that the information it contains is restricted to the Council of First Knowledge."

"I don't understand?"

"This is not the Jedi Order that we know. It is not the one I grew up with. From what I have learned they have lost most of the knowledge that we took for granted as padawans."

"From what I have discovered of resent history and what I have seen from the ship records, closer to this time frame, make the Jedi Order nothing more than neophytes in the Force." 

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