Chapter 2

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"I was in your position once."  Professor Grayson began.

"That's unlikely, I don't picture you standing in front of a smoking hot professor with your legs shaking like jello as your picture them all over you"  I thought to myself.  Instead I went with, "Really, Sir?"

"Of course, young and ahead of your class.  People underestimate you Ms. Palleviana, classmates as well as professors, I experienced the same thing when I was an undergrad.  I want to assure you that I will not be making their mistakes.  You will not be underestimated in this classroom, I will be harder on you than your peers because it's for your own benefit.  In return, know that office hours are meant to be utilized. 

Something in his voice changed when he spoke the last sentence, I couldn't pinpoint exactly what but there was definitely a difference.  Whatever it was, it made me want to go to his office hours. After all, I do that for a number of my classes. You need to make sure you have a relationship with the professor if you want them to give you letters of recommendation or connections post-graduation, it's just good networking.  Don't lie, my deviant self thought, you don't give a crap about connections, you want special tutoring that involves you naked, bent over his desk, with your legs spread.  I snapped back into reality, his eyes still bore into me even though he was clearly finished with his thought.  That's when I realized he was expecting some sort of response, at least an acknowledgement that I had heard him. 

"Oh, well, thank you, Professor Grayson.  I will be sure to stop by your office if I have any issues.  I should be off to my next class now, have a good day, sir."  It all came out in a rush, I would be shocked if he even caught everything I said.  He just nodded and finally broke eye contact to turn and collect his things.  I, meanwhile, darted like a track star out of the room thankful to have the spell his eyes cast on me broken.  Any longer and the wet spot forming in my underwear might have shown through my pants. I shot through the door straight into a rock hard body that luckily caught me before I could fall over backwards from the impact.

"I was wondering how long you were going to be in there for, it's always hard to say with beautiful young female students and their male professors.  Especially in a class as difficult as this. Do you need mouth wash or anything?"  Well if it weren't Mr. Misogyny himself.

"Shut it, Dylan.  He was just going over some housekeeping given that I'm still an undergrad."

"I know, I heard through the door.  But my version sounded much hotter, don't you think?  Anyway, the reason I was waiting out here was to ask if you wanted to grab coffee later tonight and get a start on some of the work Dr. Dictator has due at the end of the week?"

"Sure, Lucille's Shop around 8 work for you?"  I really did have to get some of this work done, especially since I was working all day tomorrow, and Lucille's was a campus staple.  Plus, if Dylan was a crappy study buddy it was better to find out now than when the harder topics came around. 

"Great, see you then."  While Dylan was replying Dr. Grayson walked out of his room. 

"Mr. Barton, you wouldn't be keeping Ms. Palleviana from her class that she had to rush off to would you?"  Dr. Grayson quipped at Dylan.

"No, Professor.  We were just discussing knocking some of your assignments out early, sir."

"Good, now get to class."  And with that Dr. Grayson turned and walked down the hall.  "Great, now he thinks I lied about class.  Just fricken fantastic.

"What is up with that man?"  Dylan grumbled under his breath.

I wasn't sure, but I knew that whatever it was I wanted in on.  He was the most intimidating and intoxicating man I had ever been around.  I couldn't get his eyes out of my head for the rest of the day, they were so piercing, like they could detect any lie I might tell.  I wondered how much he worked out, it had to be a lot judging by the way his abs had been outlined even under his dress shirt.  All I wanted was to run my hands down his stomach and feel his muscles flex underneath me.  Concentrating in my other classes was absolutely impossible, whenever I tried my mind would lead me back to him, so I decided to let both my mind and heart dream about the mysterious Dr. Grayson.  The question that kept coming up in my head was what he would be into?  What was his ideal type of girl?  How did he fuck?  He didn't seem like the type of man who would be patient based on how he behaved as a professor, nor did he seem gentle.  He seemed like a man who would take control, dominate his prey and do whatever he liked.  He seemed....just like my idealized type.

Later that night I met up with Dylan at the coffee shop.  We started hitting the books hard, there was a lot of information to get through and neither one of us felt like wasting time, Dylan was my kind of study buddy.  At around midnight we were both finished, just bouncing questions we had off of each other.   All of the sudden Dylan cut off mid-sentence in an answer to one of my questions.  I looked up at him- he was looking towards the far end of the room, following his gaze my eyes bore upon the one and only Dr. Grayson, except he wasn't alone.  The woman with him was beautiful, curvy in the right areas, flat in the others.  She had all the physical qualities of a model, albeit a slightly trash one as I noted the amount of cleavage and ass that her dress showed, and at a college coffee shop no less.  So, this was his type. It actually disappointed me that it was so stereotypical. Not to mention I hated that I was judging this woman without knowing anything about her. 

 Dr. Grayson was in casual clothes, jeans and a button down shirt.  His sleeves were rolled up revealing muscular tanned arms.  I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have those arms around me, to have those arms hold me down as he did unspeakable things to me.  His hair was messy too, it was ruffled like he had been running his hands through it. Or maybe they had just finished other...activities.   They appeared to be in deep discussion and his eyes pierced her gaze the same way I felt they had mine. A stab of jealous hit my chest.  But then, just as I was going to look away Dr. Grayson turned and glared at me and Dylan, holding his glare for just a few seconds, but it was long enough.  I looked away and Dylan did too. 

Dylan was the first to speak. "That man must absolutely despise us.  It isn't like we were crashing his date.  And what professor brings a date to this place, this is a 24/7 coffee shop for college kids to pull all-nighters in.  Hell, I wouldn't even bring a date here."

"Are you implying that we are not on a date, Mr. Barton?"  I teased

"Why, Ms. Palleviana, I was under the impression that this was beyond a date, this is, in fact where I planned on announcing my marriage proposal."  He smirked back at me as he got on his knee. "Would you, my dear, do me the distinct honor of being Mrs. Barton.  I can't promise you much, but I can assure you that you will have the finest kitchen in all the land and if you're good I may even let you in rooms in our home besides the kitchen and bedroom and, if you service all of my requirements, on your birthday every year I won't make you go barefoot."

We both lost control then. I'm not sure if it was the hours of looking at numbers, the countless cups of coffee we had consumed, but I laughingly got up and dramatically fell into Dylan's still knelt down self, only making the entire situation seem even funnier to the both of us.  After a minute I finally managed to compose myself and looked up around the shop, it wasn't very full since it was the start of the semester and most people didn't have workloads requiring late nights yet. That made the look Dr. Grayson was directing at me even more apparent. He looked like he was about to put me in a choke hold.

I slowly got up from Dylan's lap and sat back in the booth.  Dylan did the same, although he didn't see Dr. Grayson's glare this time.  I stole a glance back at Dr. Grayson and his bimbo, they were back in conversation with each other, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You ready to head out, darling?"  Dylan still had that shit eating grin on his face.

"Yeah, I need to crash."  And get the heck out of this coffee shop.

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