Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Every girl thinks about how they're going to eventually 'lose it.'  Me, well, my depraved little fantasies involved my husband taking me on our wedding night in whatever way he pleased.  He would be the perfect mix of rough and gentle, knowing exactly what to do to my body to drive me crazy.   We would make love all night, I would do whatever he wanted, and he would make sure I loved every single moment of it.  Our wedding night would mark the completion of my submissiveness to him, my one and only.

This...this was not what I ever imagined.  Some people might think this would turn someone wired like me on, being forced, taken against my will in a closet.  You couldn't be more wrong.  BDSM, domination, the kind of things that turned me on required consent and absolute trust in your partner.  Rape, rape was the complete opposite of both of those principles.  As I was pushed through the door and thrown onto a couch, my mouth finally free again, I screamed bloody murder, praying someone would hear me and put an end to this nightmare. In my heart I knew no one would hear though, we were too far away, the music was too high, and the people outside that door were too intoxicated to differentiate a panic scream from a party scream. 

Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.  I felt like I was falling on to that couch forever.  When my back finally landed on the soft surface I couldn't believe the irony.  A plush couch, a soft comfortable fluffy couch, a surface that in a few minutes would forever haunt me.  I looked at my assailant, the linebacker as he fell down onto me, the only physical trait I could discern besides his huge body in the darkness of the room was his hair, it had to be close to black and it landed close to his shoulders.

"You're a sexy little thing."  His voice, it was disgusting, it was scratchy and high pitched at the same time.  It almost reminded me of Mickey Mouse if he were a smoker, in any other situation I probably would have burst out laughing at that voice, especially those words coming from it.  But now, in this situation, no voice could be more terrifying to me. 

I tried to scream again because I couldn't just not do anything. I knew based on my current position and his size that my only real chance of getting out of this physically unscathed was someone saving me, maybe just maybe someone would hear me over the music.  Unfortunately, before I could even fully suck in a breath to get some air in my lungs the linebackers hand covered my mouth again.  At that moment something clicked, come on Allie, fight or flight, you have to save yourself. I bit down on the linebackers hand as hard as I could until the metallic taste of blood hit my tongue.  The linebacker grunted in pain and quickly swiped his hand away.  "YOU BITCH!."  He screamed at me, but he was distracted too, his pin on my body had come loose. I took the opportunity to lift my leg up as hard and fast as I possibly could, effectively kneeing him right in his family jewels.

His high pitched gasp told me I had at least done some damage.  He rolled over into a fetal position and I moved faster than I thought humanly possible off the couch and through the door. I slammed the door shut behind me, wanting nothing more than to lock my attacker and everything that happened in that room away for good.

I turned away from the door I had just slammed and looked around the big room that I had been dancing in only moments ago, to me it felt like centuries since I had been here.  I must have slammed the door really hard because everyone was looking at me, it probably didn't help that I likely looked crazed and disheveled.  Dylan appeared out of the crowd and ran to me, he kept asking me what happened but I couldn't find my voice to respond.  What did I say?  How could I explain that I had almost been raped two seconds ago.  The sound of a door being thrown open cut through me like a knife, I screamed and tried to run, it was him, I knew it had to be him.  Dylan wouldn't let me go though, he put his arms around my waist and held me as I fought against him, crying and screaming and begging him to let me go.

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