Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The days seemed to pass in a blur.  We were now three weeks into the semester and I was NOT in my normal state of control. I was trying to stay ahead in all my classes plus study for the CPA as much as humanly possible, and my TA responsibilities were starting to heat up now that there were actual assignments to grade.

It was Tuesday morning and I was trying to finish grading homework that had been turned in yesterday by the freshman in intro to financial accounting. The professor I was the TA for, Dr. Newman, actually helped with grading, which was a huge weight off my shoulders, but there were still 300 kids in this class so even splitting the duties meant hours of work. I wanted to get these graded ASAP so I could get to work on my actual classes.

One particular class, Dr. Grayson's was far and above the most unbearable.  Not because it was too hard, I was incredibly managing just fine, but because Dr. Grayson had me pinned to my seat with his eyes the entire class.  I could barely pay attention.  I found myself reading ahead the night before every class so that I wouldn't get behind from that day's lecture. 

I was supposed to meet Dylan before today's class to go over an assignment that we were turning in.  We were meeting up at Lucille's coffee shop.  I arrived early, like always, I can't handle being late for anything.  Grabbing my tea I sat down in one of the big comfy couches and started reviewing my calculation.  I few minutes later I felt someone sit down besides me, assuming it was Dylan I said "hey, on time today, shocking" and turned to smile at him.  It wasn't Dylan.  Not even close.  Dr. Grayson was sitting there, looking at me, and smirking- likely at my now tomato read face.

"I'm so sorry, I assumed you were Dylan; we're meeting here to just go over the assignment due in class today." 

"I figured as much."  Dr. Grayson said, "But it would be much more efficient if I just look over what you were going to hand in, don't you think?  I don't think Dylan should be who you're seeking approval from."

"I'm not seeking's pretty common for students to talk through questions with homework."  I replied.

"Yes it is, but don't you think the better course of action if you have questions would be to just come to office hours, as we discussed on the first day of classes? Or better yet, make an appointment? Staying after class would even be an option, but that other "class" you have must be across campus by the way you run out like the room is on fire Ms. Palleviana."

"I don't have any questions, none that warrant an appointment at least. I do plan on coming to office hours, I just want to make sure I come with questions so I'm not wasting your time, sir." 

"I see."  Dr. Grayson said, now with a slight frown.  "Well, from a glance your written calculations and explanations seem on the right track, but there's too much to go over without the statistical program in front of me.  We have an hour or so before class, why don't you walk over to my office with me."

"That's okay, Dylan should be here soon and I don't want to blow him off, thank you for the offer though."  I reply uneasily.

"Of course, we wouldn't want to put a hamper in the blossoming relationship you two seem to have."  He snaps.

"Relationsh..." I start

"A word of advice Ms. Palleviana.  Dylan is just a boy.  He's getting a PhD because he can't get a job so he's just going from bachelors to masters to PhD without any experience in the real world.  Is that what you want for your future, an unemployed PhD student with tens of thousands in student loans?   Because that's what you get when you become involved with a boy like him." 

"We aren't..."  I try to start again

"But he wants, he so very much wants it."  Dr. Grayson finished.  I looked past him and saw Dylan come through the door of the coffee shop.  Dr. Grayson followed my gaze.  He nodded at Dylan, gave me a pointed glance, and walked out the door.

"Why was he talking with you? And more importantly what did you say, because he looked pissed and I don't want a drilling in class today."  Dylan asked me

"Just wanted to know why I haven't been as involved in class and haven't been to office hours for questions, let's review this quickly, we only have like an hour."

Dylan and I went over the homework quickly.  We had similar answers, different explanations for why they were correct but neither of us was too concerned about that.  Besides, two students handing in papers with similar answers and explanations was just asking for trouble with a professor.  

As it turned out, Dylan's concern came true. Class that day was excruciating.  It seemed like Dr. Grayson was purposefully trying to make Dylan seem like an idiot, hell, it seemed like he was trying to make everyone in the class seem like an idiot.  But not me, he didn't once call on me, he didn't once ask me to answer some absolutely ridiculous question.  Instead, after every guy in the class answered incorrectly he would correct them with the right answer or explanation, and as he did it his eyes never went to the student  he was correcting. No, his eyes never once left mine and I couldn't muster the strength to break from his spell. 

When Dr. Grayson finally dismissed us the guys couldn't wait to leave.  They ran out faster than me for once, likely trying to escape before Dr. Grayson humiliated them more. 

"Allie."  Dr. Grayson said relatively quietly as I went to leave, last one out of the room.  I turned to him waiting for him to continue.  "They're all just boys."  And with that he turned around and started packing up his lesson materials.  I walked out of the classroom in a daze.  This could not be happening.  I needed to talk with a female friend because there was no way this could be happening.  And why the hell had he called me by my first name? 

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