Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"That's right baby, you're doing such a good job, such a good girl."  His praises had me excited as I bobbed further up and down his giant cock.  I couldn't take all of him and it was frustrating me.  I tried one last time to take all of him down and I immediately started gagging and chocking forcing me to take him out of my mouth entirely as I got my breathing back under control.  "A little too eager, darling?"  He chuckled at me.  I just frowned looking at how huge he was, how would I ever be able to take him all?  "Don't worry baby, I'll train you to take it all; you'll be able to deep throat me eventually." 

"But master" I whine "I want to please you now." 

"Just obey me baby that pleases me more than you'll ever know.  I love how innocent you are, knowing that I'm your first and last.  Be patient, we have so much time to explore our desires together, there's no need to rush. Now, do you want to try taking me again, baby? Go slow this time....that's it, take me in slowly and use your tongue the way I like."

My alarm went off, and for the second time this week I found myself covered in sweat with an aching between my legs. So much for lunch with Emma yesterday helping the situation, class and Dr. Grayson had made it so, so much worse.  I wasn't even a month  into the semester and this was what was happening.  There was no way I could survive another  3 months of this. I could still drop the class, I had until the end of next week but that didn't matter, I had already made my decision.

I walked into my counselor's office in the business school to handle this mess.  My counselor, Ms. Stabar, absolutely loved me.  I suppose I was one of the few students who never came to her with a real problem which meant I created very little work for her.  I never had issues with grades, I was on top of knowing what classes I had to take and overall we had a very easy relationship- I gave her my classes, she okayed them, are counseling sessions never lasted more than ten minutes.  The most work I had caused her was ironically pushing to be allowed into Dr. Grayson's class. Undergrads weren't normally allowed in and I had pushed her to ask the department head Dr. Ranes and the professor for the class, then unknown to me, to make an exception. The irony. 

"You what?!"  Ms. Staban practically spurted out her coffee when I told her. 

"I want to drop Derivatives and take something else, I know it's already three weeks into the semester, but that means I can still drop without the class ever appearing on my transcript, and some professors will surely allow me to add their class. I'm sure one I've already had is teaching something I haven't taken yet and they'll let me in."  I already had one lined up, but I needed to be strategic with this. 

"Why, why would you want to drop that class?, you had me pull strings to get you into that class. You harassed Dr. Ranes for weeks at the end of last year to allow you in.  You wanted that class so badly.

I started to speak but she put her hand up. Ms. Staban had a flare for being dramatic. She was angrily typing a on her computer, perhaps to look at what my options would be for other classes.

"I just pulled up your grades"  shit this isn't going to help  "and you have an A in it, why in the world would you want to drop a PhD level class that you have an A in?" 

"The workload is just too much, I feel like further into this semester there are going to be problems, if not in that class then with my others."  I lied. 

"Really, Allie? This isn't like you. You're doing 18 hours this semester but you've done as much as 22 in the past and it never had any impact on your grades."

"I know, but obviously these classes are harder. And I am taking on a TA job on top of classes, and trying to get ahead on CPA studying. It's just a lot, you know? And I would really like to spend a little time enjoying my senior year."

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