Chapter 2: Interview

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"WHAT?!" We were both shocked to what they had just said and I was starting to doubt my hearing.

"I barley even know him!" I said, hoping it would somehow change their minds.

"Thats not our problem." They said as they got up and left the room, leaving me and Namjoon here alone.

Guess that didn't really help...

"Oh, right. I almost forgot to tell you guys." Said my manager as he revealed his head inside the room from behind the door. "You've got an interview tomorrow so you're going to reveal the news there. Bye!" And before and of us could disagree, he was gone.

Tomorrow?! Already?! Jeez, I guess my manager must really hate me... I thought to myself.

Suddently, my phone started ringing. I pulled it out if my pocket and answered. It was Lisa.

"Hey! How'd the meeting go? You're not leaving me, right?" "No...It's...Worse?" I said in a bit of a confused tone, before continuing. "I don't even know what I'm suppoused to think about it to be honest..." "Oh...So it's that sort of problem..." She said. I hummed out as a reply. "Well, our favourite k-drama is starting now, so I've gotta go. See ya!" She said before she ended the call.

I sighed as I put my phone back into my pocket. I was about to get up and leave the room when suddently Namjoon spoke.

"Hey, um...Since we have an interview together tomorrow... Shouldn't we prepare for the questions they'll be asking about our relationship?" "...Yeah we should do that." I replied as I looked down at the ground.

We started to talk about it and after about 45 minutes, we exchanged numbers and went our seperate ways.


When I entered my home I saw Lisa sprawled across the couch. There was a bowl of popcorn on her lap and a glass of soda on the coffee table. Sje was so into the show on the tv that she didn't even notice me entering the room.

I sat down next to her, the action made het jump slightly and a few bits of popcorn fell on the floor.

"Jesus! You almost gave me a heart attack!" She said as she sat up properly and held a hand at her chest. "Yeah, yeah. Now tell me what I missed." I said as I reached for some popcorn. So, Lisa started explaining to me what had happened in the episode while I was gone.

"Well, you know the new girl from the last episode?" She asked. "Yeah, her name's Scarlet, right?" I said without taking my eyes off the screen. "Yeah her." Replied Lisa. "Well, it turns out that she loves Jandi. But Jandi ain't bi." "What?! She's known her for three days and she's already in love with her?!" I said in shock. "Yeah. I've had a bad vibe from her since the first time she showed up. Besides, isn't Jandi in love with Ji-" Lisa was cut off by both of us as we gasped loudly at the scene that just happened on the screen infront of us.

"He did not just- He did!!!" We both exclaimed at the same time. We were both fangirling like crazy as we saw the main character being pinned to a wall by another main character. "Kiss her! What are you waiting for?!" Said Lisa as she was jumping slightly in her seat. "H-He's leaning in!"

And then, the power went out.

"W-WHAT?! NOOO! THEY WERE ABOUT TO KISS!" Whinned Lisa as she tried switching the tv back on. But since the power was out, it was no use.

"Looks like a power cut." I said as I stared at Lisa's desperate self. "I'm gonna go take a shower." Lisa sighed in defeat as she placed down the remote before speaking to me.

"Alright...There are candles in the bathroom right? Don't want you showering in the dark again." "That was one time!" I said in hopes to defend myself. "And yes there are candles in the bathroom." "Ok. Well, I'll be down here...Waiting for the power to come back on." Lisa said as she slumped back down on the couch again.

Fame isn't Love - BTS Namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now