Chapter 9: Let's go home

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I woke up lying in Namjoon's arms. His quiet snores being the only sound in the quiet room. I wanted to stay in his warm embrace forever.


But of course, nothing lasts forever.

Lisa's P.O.V.

When I got home it was around 10am. "I'm hoomee!" I called out. "Of course." I sighed. "Since I'm her alarm, she's still asleep."

I made my way up to her room and quietly opened the door. "Aw...Cuties..." I smiled at the sight. "aYOOO! RISE AND SHINE! WAKE UP LAZY ASS!" I jumped onto the bed next to them. "Lisa...? What are you doing here?" She groaned in annoyance. "Let's keep it child friendly here, mate." I said as I removed Namjoon's hand from Y/n's waist.

"I want to sleep..." Mumbled Y/n as she burried her face into her blanket. I got off the bed and went to the window. I gripped onto the white fabric before quickly pulling the curtains away from each other, letting the sunlight shine through the room. "JESUS- LISA!" Yelled Y/n as she fell on the floor with a thud. "DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!"

I hurriedly left the room and ran down the stairs with Y/n chasing behind me. Our loud laughter echoed through the house, causing Namjoon, who had somehow managed to stay asleep this entire time, to wake up.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"I...can't run...anymore..." "Me neither..." We both panted. "Hey, kniw what day it is today?" Asked Lisa once we both sat down next to each other at the counter. "Uh...Saturday?" "What Saturday?" "Um...The 14th I think?" "And that means...?" "Uh..." "Starting today we've got a week of vacation you idiot!" She cheered "Oh, yeah! I forgot..." "I could tell. Anyways, What're you gonna do? I'm going to Bangkok to visit my family." "Yeah, I think I'll go to Gwacheon to visit mine too."

"Why were you guys being so loud down here?" Mumbled Namjoon as he entered the kitchen. "Because Lisa decided it'd be a good idea to wake me up from my precious sleep." "Hey! I was just doing my job as your alarm clock!" "Did I ever ask you to be my alarm clock?!" "Nah, I hired myself." She grinned cheekily. "God, this girl-" "Is amazing in every way." I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"Anyways, I'm gonna call my parents real quick." I said as I went to fetch my phone. "Namjoon, do you guys have vacation today aswell? Most idols do." Chirped Lisa. "Yeah, we've got a week off. Why'd you ask?" "Just curious."


Later in the evening, around half past six, I was standing by the doorway with my packed suitcase, all ready to leave. "Lisa, I'm going now!" I called out. "Bye! Have a safe trip!" She gave me a tight hug before I got into the taxi that would take me to the train station.

Surprisingly, not many people were on the train. It was just me, two families and a young man that looked to be around my age. 'Hopefully no one will recognize me with my mask on...' I thought to myself.

About ten minutes have passed when all of a sudddn, I herd my name being said. "Y/n?" I looked twords the owner of the voice, it was the man sitting across from me.

He was wearing a mask so I couldn't tell if it was someone I knew or just a fan. "Um...Hey?" "It's me, Seokjin." He pulled down his mask to reveal his face to me. "Oh, hey Jin!" I smiled. "Where are you going?" "Gwacheon. Since we've got vacation, I'm gonna go visit my parents." He replied.

We talked with each other the entire way to Gwacheon until we reached the station where we had to part our ways.

"It's been a while since I was last here..." I said to myself as I stood infront of my parents house. "Alright, time to go in-" "Y/N!!!" My younger brother ran outside the house and engulfed me in a tight hug. "Bambam! Hey! I...can't breathe..." "Oh, sorry." He laughed as he released my from his grip.

He helped me with my suitcase as we went inside to meet the others.

"Guys! Y/n's here!" Almost imediatly, a pair of feet could be herd as they ran down the staies twords us. "Y/n!" My older brother Mark- well, he's not that much older, we're twins, greeted me with a hug. "Y/n! You're here!" My mother smiled. "Mom! Dad! I missed you!" I gave them both a tight hug.

"It's been a while since we've all been here together...five months?" Said dad. "Six...I wish we could get off of work more." Sighed my younger brother. "Well vacation isn't easy when you're famous." Continued Mark. "I just hope there won't be any paparazzi outside my window when I wake up." "At least you two were together the entire time."

Mark and Bambam are both idols aswell. They're both together in a group called Got7.

We all sat down on the couch and talked together for about an hour. After that I went upstairs to my old room, also known as the place I'll be sleeping in for the next week.

I put my suitcase down beside my bed and opened it to start unpacking. "Need help?" Asked Mark as he sat down on my bed. "Nope. You'd just make it into a mess." "True...Hey, what's that?" He pointed at the suitcase before pulling out- oh god no.

"What's thi- aH!" He yelled as he threw my bra across the room. "MARK! DON'T GO THROUGH MY STUFF!" I quickly picked it up and hid it out of his sight. "I THOUGHT IT WAS A LIZARD, OKAY?!" "WHY WOULD THERE BE A LIZARD IN MY SUITCASE?!" "I DON'T KNOW!"

"Stop yelling, I'm gonna go deaf. Mom said dinner's ready." Bambam complained as he entered the room. Me and Mark both stared at each other for second before running out of the room and down the stairs. "I'm the oldest! I get the most!" "Only by 7 minutes!"


The next day I was alone in the house. My parents were both at work and my brothers went out to meet up with some old friends.

"I'm bored..." I sighed as I sprawled out on the couch. "I should go out while the weather's nice..." And so I did. I put on my shoes and left the house.


Walking through the streets of the town I grew up in, not much had changed since I was last here, actually...that was around half a year ago...

The streets were a bit crowdes, but one face in particular stood out to me.

I went up to the person and tapped them on the shoulder so that they'd notice me. "Jackson!" "Huh? Oh, hey Y/n." He smiled. "Hi! Wow, it's been a while since we've last seen each other, huh?" "Yeah, it has."

Jackson is also in the group Got7. He's a good friend of me and my brothers. Also...he's my ex...but we're still friends! We don't hang out alot anymore because of our busy schedules, but sometimes we see each other at award shows. However, today we decided to wander around together since we were both alone and had nothing to do.


Kajalaklakwlq I don't know what to put in this authors note so uhm bYe 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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