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It's been years since i've seen my big brother Jughead. I wish I could go back to my dad and Jughead, but my mom would never allow it. She hates my dad, I have no idea why. I vaguely remember hearing them argue about my dads drinking problem the night before my mom dragged me out of the house and took of leaving me in tears and my dad and Jughead in Riverdale.
"Jellybean get down here!" My mom yells from down stairs.
I slowly walk down stairs knowing what may happen.
"Are you hanging out with this Ethan boy at school!?" she screams.
"Yeah...we are friends" I mumble.
"What did I say about dating!" She screams before hitting me.
I run upstairs. I'm used to it by now ever since she left my dad she takes her anger and stress out on me. I hide in the back of my closet and plan my escape from this house and my mother. Later that night I pack some clothes and food after my mom fell asleep. I sneak out of the house and pray Jughead and my dad still lived in the same house and then i remembered I have Jugheads phone number I found it in my moms old phone book in her office. I pull out my old phone and call Jughead. He answers quickly.
"Hello, who is this" He questions not recognizing the number.
"It's and mom are coming to visit just don't tell anyone we want it to be a surprise for dad!" I lie.
"That's great, I won't tell anyone!" He exclaims happily.
"Ok I'll see you later, Just text me your address mom forgot it" I say.
"Ok bye Jellybean"
"Bye" I say.
I felt bad lying, but i had to I can't risk them calling mom and telling her I ran away-my thoughts are interrupted by a ding going off on my phone. I look down and see Jughead texted me the address. I click on the link that sends me to maps and get directions there. They weren't crazy far away and my mom went to bed earlier so I have more time to get there. I should be there around 12:11 A.M. I make it there around 12:00 and knock on their front door nervously and Jughead answers with a beaming smile and pulls me into a hug.
"Where's mom?" He questions.
I ignore his question and walk in to see a girl with a blonde sleek ponytail on the couch.
"Who's this" I ask has Jughead sits down next to her.
Jughead over at the girl and I stand there staring at both of them watch for a answer.
"I'm Betty" she says with a smile. "You must be Jellybean" She stands up and shakes my hand.
"Jellybean where is mom" Jughead continues to question.
I finally decide to answer him and tell him the truth.
"She was never coming...I ran away." I say fidgeting with my hands.
"Why?" Both Jughead and Betty say in unison.
"She was abusive and mean" I say rolling up my sleeve to reveal bruises.
"Why didn't you call before or tell me the truth when you did" He says looking worried.
"I couldn't and the only reason I have a phone is because I found mom's old phone and stole it she never seemed to notice" I say.
I sit down on and rest my head on the dining room table. I fall asleep and wake up on what I assume is Jughead's bed. I walk out of his room and see Jughead sitting at the table eating cereal.
"Hey" He says.
"Hi" I say.
My dad, FP, walks out of his room and is shocked to see me standing in the kitchen with Jughead.
"Jellybean?" My dad says surprised "Wait, Jughead what is she doing here...where's your mom?!" He questions.
"She's not here...I ran away" I say looking at my hands nervously.
"Your ran away?" He asked surprised. "Why?"
I look at Jughead nervously and he nods reassuringly.
"She abused me...ever since she left you she has" I mumble.
How do you think FP will react? Will he call her mom and send her home? Please leave a comment and Vote!

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