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Once we left The Sisters Of Quiet Mercy we went home. I felt I need to puke. I charge into the bathroom and vomit. I went back into the living room.
"Betts are you ok?" Jughead asks
"Yeah, I'm fine" I say "Can I go over to Veronica's"
"Sure" He says
"Ok bye" I say as I walk out the door
I burst into tears, how will I tell Jughead!
"B, are you ok?" I hear Veronica say outside the door
"Veronica I-I'm pregnant" I say my voice breaking through the tears
She walks into the bathroom and kneels on the floor with me
"Betty this is amazing, what's so bad about it?" She says
"Jughead won't want a kid at 16" I say causing me to cry more, if possible " Plus I'm only 16!"
"Yeah, but you always wanted a kid it just happened sooner than planned"
"Ok" I say "I have to tell Jug"
I fix myself up while Jughead and Archie make their way to Veronica's.
I here the door bell ring and run over to open the door. I move to the side and Archie and Jughead make there way into the cozy house.
"You ok Betts?" Jughead asks most likely wondering why Veronica called them over
Honestly I think she called Archie so he could be here to hear the news or she just wanted her boyfriend. Either way, I don't think I can do this, I don't think I can tell him.
"I'm fine Jug, " I say
Archie goes into the bathroom and a few seconds later I hear Archie yell, " Veronica, are you pregnant!?".
I feel myself tense up and my face goes pale
Archie runs down the stairs from the bathroom while holding up a pregnancy test.
"No, V isn't pregnant" I say "I am" I add

Really short chapter but I'm posting way more later today this was just a filler

Jellybean~Away from HomeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя