"I really like you"

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Jellybean's POV
I gently pull my hand away from the water allowing Sweetpea to have it.
"Take the water you had it first" He says
"No it's fine have Sweets" I say; grabbing the other glass of water
He look at him and see him blush and turn away
Sweetpea's POV
I'll admit, Jellybean is beautiful and her dad may be my king, but I like her...I think I'm going to take the risk.
We are walking back to our bikes and I stare at Jellybean as she walks.
'I just gotta ask her out'
"Ask who out" Jellybean turns around and asks; worry painting her face.
"Did I say that out loud!?" I say embarrassed, she nods "Um well I guess I gotta tell you now, I like you, like really like you" I say rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly
She looks down with a shocked face.
"I get if you don't like me back, and if you don't I hope we can stay friends, cause your the best thing that's ever happened to me-" I ramble only to be cut of by the feeling of Jellybeans soft lips on mine.
I don't kiss back immediately not realizing what had happened. We stop when we hear clapping and look over to see Toni and Fangs standing their clapping and smiling happily. Jellybean looks down blushing but I lift her chin up and peck her lips, only to hear Fangs and Toni cheer.

Sorry for the short chapter but I promise I will post more. Thank you guys so much for the support. Also sorry not sorry for the cliff hanger 😂. Comment 'Jellybean is prego with Sweetpea's ego' if you actually read this, just to confuse people who don't read it!

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