Brandon Carlo: Elephants

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You shouldn't have done this for yourself. It was your fault. You went digging for it. But you needed to, all of the sneaking around, going out more at weird times. The call from "Sarah," that he just shrugged off. You needed to hear him say it. You needed Brandon to tell you to your face that he was cheating on you.

When he went to shower after practice and you knew you had twenty minutes to dig through his phone. You had already done most of your snooping beforehand so you knew what you were looking for. You easily got into his phone, plugging in his passcode. What guy, who wants to cheat on his girlfriend, gives her his phone passcode?

You found what you had wanted to. The text said it all, they were way too flirty. You didn't know whether to cry or scream or do both. Then you heard it. You heard the water shut off. Quickly, you put everything back to normal. As he walked out the bathroom door, you confronted him.

"I know what you did." You said

"What are you talking about?" He laughed, thinking you were joking.

"I'm serious." You said, determined to get the answers you were looking for.

"Can I dressed before we have this conversation?"

"No we need to talk about this now." You said confidently.

"Would you let me put some fucking clothes on?"

"How long have you been cheating on me?"

"I knew this would happen."

"You knew you would fucking cheat on me?" You screamed, enraged.

"You are the most stubborn person."

"Are you blaming me for you cheating me? Are you fucking kidding me?" Your volume kept growing.

He disappeared into the closet. You got up and followed him, you didn't even care if he was naked. You were having this conversation now.

"Brandon!" You called. "We are not finished having this discussion!"

"If you could just be patient for two seconds." He said, pulling on sweatpants, digging through a pile of folded dress shirts, pulling out a red velvet box. You were confused.

Was it a ring box? Oh my god, its a ring box.

The thoughts ran through your mind, as your eyes widened. You two had only been together for seven months, and while you couldn't be happier it was too early for a proposal and you and Brandon were both 21. You were too young.

Looking back at you, Brandon noted the panicked expression on your face. He looked down at the box, then looked back at you realizing what you were thinking.

"Oh no, baby." He said, gesturing his hands to match his words. "This isn't what you think it is."

"Its not a ring?" You asked him.

"No, no. Its not a ring." He exhaled.

You sighed in relief. But then your mind wondered, what was in the box?

"What is it then?"

"Its your birthday present." He said noting the confusion on your face. You had been so stressed out with midterms that you completely forgot about your birthday coming up.

"Do you want to open it early." You nodded eagerly, smiling ear to ear, in response.

As you opened the box you saw the necklace. It was a small silver elephant, covered with tiny diamonds, except for its eye which was an aquamarine stone- your birthstone. You were without words.

"Do you like it?" He asked. "I know how much you love elephants and I wanted to incorporate that into the design. The girl that's been texting and calling, Sarah, is the jeweler she helped me design it and was nice when I tried to change the design like five times. I just wanted it to be perfect."

"I love it." You said, looking up at him smiling.

"Yeah?" He smiled, pulling you in closer to him. You nodded as you wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning up to kiss him.

"I'm sorry you thought I was cheating on you, but baby, I would never do that. I care and respect your too much to do that."

"I know, I'm sorry I overreacted I just- I don't know."

You both stood there for a second, in each others arms not knowing where to take the conversation from there. Thankfully, Brandon chimed in asking if he could put the necklace on you. Gently, he moved your hair out of the way as he fastened the clasp around your neck. The necklace fell right below your collarbone. As he finished putting it on you, he kissed the inner part of your shoulder before kissing his way up your neck up to your mouth.

"Happy Early Birthday." He cooed into your mouth, his lips still pressed to yours.

"Best early birthday ever." You said, and it really was.

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