Part 8

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Goodbyes are almost never easy. There is the crying and the lingering and finally the parting. I always hated Good-byes. I am choosing to look them as Hellos. Hello New beginning, Here I come. I am choosing to look at the sadness and as a reminder of the love I experience in the place that I am saying Goodbye to. I think it makes it harder to say Goodbye to the one that loves and is loyal to you more than anyone else in the world. We were at a point that she could no longer cross. I took her by waist and I kissed her. Kissed her like I was reaching for her soul and finding it. Kissed her so I could have her love in my heart always. Kissed her so I could feel the soft and firm press of her lips against mine. Kissed her because kissing her felt like breathing. It gave life. I let go and looked deeply into those soul- piercing eyes.

"I love you:"

"I love you."

I took in a deep breath and I continued on my journey to Guatemala. IT was a new beginning, but I would never forget the way she kissed me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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