part 1.

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"The line seems so long!" complained Madeline, shaking her head as we walked to the end of the line, her now straight black hair shining in the light.

"Yeah. But it's worth it." laughed Stacey "seeing them live is so much better then the CD."

"Oh you guys! Stop bickering. Do you wanna see short stack live or not?" I said sitting down, trying to make sure that my shorts didn't get dirty. I was the diva of the group, and I loved it.

They were right though, the line was really long, and my legs were starting to hurt from walking here from my house, three blocks away.

"But it's just-" maddie started, but was interrupted when a massive soundwave erupted from the front of the line, apparently short stack had arrived.

As soon as the screaming started, people started rushing to the doors, with maddie and Stacey running along with them. Taking every opportunity to get closer to the front, I started to casually walk towards the start of the line, using the arrival as a distraction to get closer to the doors, so when they opened we could get a front row spot.

But just out the corner of my eye I saw a white van pull up around the back, so losing my place in the line, I snuck around the back of the building. Maddie and Stacey were gunna kill me, but it was gunna be worth it if I got them something good, maybe a picture....

As the car pulled up I saw Andy get out of the front seat and look around nervously, checking for fans, while bradie got out of the back in a more casual manner, followed by Shaun who was glued to his iPhone, and eventually their support band, for our hero.

What confused me the most was why their backup band, for our hero, was missing 3 members, and why sonny, jimmy and Jumpnow weren't with them.

Then it clicked, the other three members were the decoys, allowing short stack to get into the venue without being rushed before they could get on stage.

"CRAP!" I accidentally yelled, my phone vibrated in my pocket, and then suddenly had to duck around the corner where I was hiding to avoid any of the band members seeing me, they all looked around, trying to get a glimpse of who foiled their plan.

When I checked my phone, I found it was a message from Stacey. "Where u @? We can't c u in line."

"Comin" I replied and hurried back to the end of the line. Hopefully they wouldn't notice that the people behind us, were now in front of us.

Just as I got to the end of the line they rounded the corner of the venue and they hurried over to me.

"Iz! We saw them, we saw them!" maddie gushed.

"Well we saw their legs," corrected Stacey "they had their hoods up so we couldn't get any pictures to show you, sorry about that."

"That's ok." I said "I've got something better to tell you." I said smiling. Launching into my story.

Their eyes grew wider with every word I spoke. Telling them of how I saw them, and why the three 'short stack' members that they saw had their hoods up.

"Oh, my, god!" Stacey practically yelled, people stared at us, but I didn't care. "You actually saw the real short stack guys and YOU DIDN'T MESSAGE ME TO TELL US?!"

"I couldn't" I reasoned, "my phones really loud, and I can't change it to silent without drawing attention can I?"

"That's it." Said Maddie. "We're going to convince your mum to get you a new phone for your birthday iz; to avoid anymore solo celebrity sightings."

"Okay." I laughed "Good luck with that. My mum's a stinge."

Eventually our conversation died, and we started discussing random things, when the doors opened. The crowd rushed forwards and all we could concentrate on was not losing each other.

When we got into the venue we rushed to our designated door and landed a front row spot, only because the merch stand was next to the door and people wanted to get their stuff before it sold out. We were so exited!

goodbye calls. [short stack fan fic]Where stories live. Discover now