Caring | Karren Von Rosewald

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A/N: This was requested by Selene_Irium 

I hope you enjoy! I'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted, I sort of got carried away, hehe... (I'M SO GLAD TO HAVE ANOTHER KARREN FAN HERE THOUGH URGH)

Also I don't know if Matsumae called Karren by her actual name when they were in private because she knew about her situation and all, so out of respect for my baby, FEMALE PRONOUNS ALL THE MCFNUCKING WAY.

And ah yes, angsty confrontation. How I love it.

Your eyes fluttered open and you automatically frowned when you felt the coldness of the bed sheets wrapped around you. She had gone to work extremely early again... 

You lifted yourself from the bed, trying to ignore the worry building up inside you and carried yourself to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. It was getting out of control. Karren was literally destroying her physical and mental health over her cousin, and it troubled you to no end. It's not like you didn't try to talk it through with her. You did, and she listened but categorically refused to watch out for herself when Shuu was in a much worse state than her. 

You loved how caring your girlfriend could be, yeah, but this was just getting nuts. Someone's number one priority should be their own health, not someone else's. You supposed Karren did not  have her priorities sorted out, and you were going to help her even if its the last thing you would do. 

It's not like you didn't know exactly what was wrong, either. You weren't the only one worried after all. You and Matsumae talked about her almost everyday, trying to see what you could do to help by figuring out what was taking the biggest toll on her. According to her, Karren repressed her emotions, ate less and pushed herself to her very breaking point when she was training (you couldn't see it for yourself since you didn't work for the Tsukiyamas like they do). And those were just the three visible  signs the two of you had noticed. Not to mention you saw her less and less. Really, it was a miracle if you could only greet her before going to bed. 

You understood that Shuu was her cousin and she had the right to be worried about him, you really did, especially because Shuu was a close friend of yours as well (and the reason you met Karren in the first place), but there's a limit to how much you can sacrifice for someone. 


You waved towards Yuuma as you walked outside, looking for your friend for updates on your girlfriend's state. 

"Ah, (Y/N)." Matsumae said, waving you over to where she was, apparently cleaning a fountain. Who the hell has a full size fountain in their backyard? And why? If Shuu weren't so sick, you would have debated that fact with him... 

"Matsumae!" You replied, giving her a soft smile. "How are you?" 

"I'm good." She said before frowning. "But Karren? Not so much." 

"Yeah, I've noticed. I barely see her at home." You answered. "Does anything else seem... Wrong about her?" 

"She's pushing herself even harder when we train. I'm trying to stop her from getting daily training but... Even if I refuse, she'll go to Mairo or Yuuma instead." 

"It's getting that bad?" You said, huffing in disbelief. "She's hellbent on protecting him, isn't she?" 

"It seems so." Matsumae  sighed, leaning back from the stone of the water fountain. What a waste of water that thing was... 

"What about eating? Is she trying to eat properly again?" You worriedly asked, praying to what ever gods there were out there that the answer was positive. 

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