Chapter 3 ~ Oh, No

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Lance woke up a while later, still confused of what happened. His hands were still bound behind him, and he still felt weird and hot. The pain still jabbing at his abdomen.

Lance curled up on the floor of the cell, gasping in pain.

He kept mumbling, "Keith... h-help."

Suddenly the doors open, someone standing at the door.

"Oh, what do we have here?" The voice said.

Lance tensed up immediately, he'd recognize that voice anywhere.


"What do you want?" Lance growled.

"Oh. Just to have some fun," Lotor laughed and snapped his fingers.

Galra soldiers threw in another person, that person was panting heavily, groaning slightly.

"Keith?" Lance asked.

"Y-yeah, it's me," Keith replied, the sweet smell was overwhelming Keith. Lance was right next to him, making the smell stronger than ever.

"I don't have a good feeling about this," Lance mumbled, mostly to himself, but Keith heard.

"Yeah, same," he said, looking at Lance.

Lance was leaning against the wall, wincing in pain, and Keith was about, 5 feet away, trying to resist jumping on Lance.

Lotor laughed and said, "I'll be right back. Try to contain yourselves."

And with that, Lotor left the cell to get something.

Lance started to look around. He was looking for something to help them get out of there, but he only found dust.

"Looks like we'll have to wait to be rescued," Lance sighed.

Keith nodded, not wanting to talk, he was already trying to resist Lance's smell.

They both sat there uncomfortably as they waited, hoping that the team was on there way.

Then, the door opened, and a grinning Lotor, came through, holding a tray in his hand.

Lotor took a needle from the tray that looked like it was filled with a drug. He came closer to Lance, but Keith jumped up, standing in front of Lance, trying to protect him.

"Don't you touch him!" Keith growled.

Lotor grabbed Keith's shirt and turned him around, making him face Lance. Lotor pulled out a knife and pressed it close to his neck. Keith struggled to pull away.

"No! Stop!" Lance yelled.

"Come here," Lotor commanded to Lance.

"W-wha—," Lance started to say.

"Come here, or Keith gets it," Lotor snarled.

Lance slowly walked towards Lotor, obeying his command.

Lotor pushed Keith into the wall that Lance came from, making him fall to the ground. Keith stared up in horror.

Lotor made Lance face Keith. Holding a syringe up to Lance neck, he grinned.

Lance gasped as Lotor pressed the needle into Lance's neck, and injected the drug into his bloodstream.

Eyes wide, Lance immediately started to feel hotter than before.

Keith started to feel even more dizzy than before, the smell coming from Lance was even stronger than ever.

"W-what did y-you do?" Lance slurred, falling to his knees, feeling out of place, but not feeling terrible.

Lotor leaned into Lance's ear.

"It's aphrodisiac," Lotor whispered.

Lance's eyes widened.

"Oh, no," Lance mumbled as he looked at Keith, he was dizzily staring at Lotor and Lance.

"Oh, yes," Lotor laughed.

So sorry for updating at an ungodly time... but at least you got another chapter to read?

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