Chapter 6 ~ Punished

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«smut warning»
«lowercase because i don't feel like changing the settings on my keyboard»
«oh, and kinky shit»

«two weeks since the "incident"»

lance was extremely bored because all the paladins were away on a mission without them and keith was sleeping in his bedroom.

so he decided to microwave a metal spoon to see what would happen.

he took a large metal spoon and stuck it in the microwave for one minute. it wasn't even 15 seconds before there was a loud "POP."

"shit~" lance exclaimed and rushed to the microwave. the microwave started sparking and it caught on fire. lance ran to the fire extinguisher and put out the fire.


with a heavily sigh lance shook his head. "why the fuck did i think this was a good idea?"

he heard keith come walking into the kitchen.

"what the heck?" he exclaimed when he saw the burnt microwave. "what happened?"

lance fidgeted with his jacket. "well i kinda microwaved a spoon..?"

keith looked at him with a what-the-actual-fuck-is-wrong-with-you type of expression.

"i was bored!" lance defended himself.

keith walked over to him and smiled, their faces centimeters apart. "you're so cute."

lance was taken back by this complement. "huh?"

"but you still need to be punished," keith said firmly.

"w-wha~" lance started to get scared for a second. sweat forming on his forehead.

keith seeing this, lance confused and flustered, he thought was a cute turn on. he smiled slightly and lead him to the bedroom. lance didn't even hesitate.

once they reached the bedroom, keith immediately took charge and became the dominant partner.

"take off your clothes," keith demanded.

lance obeyed, throwing his clothes on the ground, sort of scared but curious on what was going to happen.

"get on the bed and bend over," keith said.

lance obeyed and bent over, exposing his ass. keith got beside lance. oh god, lance thought.

"count them," keith said as he spanked him.


"o-one! ~mmh~" lance moaned loudly at the pain and pleasure.

pain kink, huh? keith thought.


"m-mmh.. t-two!" winced and moaned, this one was harder than the last.


"o-oh fuck! mm~ three!" lance gasped and screamed out, tears starting to form.


"s-shit! f-four!" tears were actually starting to fall, this one was harder than the last and harder than keith anticipated it to be.

keith then rubbed his hand across lance's stinging, red tinted ass, making lance moan.

"m-mmh, d-daddy please," lance said, his voice quivering.

daddy kink too? hmm.. keith thought. he decided to try something.

"you don't fucking deserve this, you slut," keith said sternly.

lance moaned at the word.

degradation kink aswell? keith smiled.

keith turned lance over and got between his legs. he took his perked member in his hand and slowly moved his hand in up and down motions.

"ngh~ ohh... mm~" lance moaned at the pleasure keith was giving him. keith started to lick the tip of his member slowly licking up pre-cum, teasing him. lance moaned but it wasn't enough.

"p-please daddy~" lance moaned out.

"shut up," keith put a finger on lance's mouth. "i'll do what i please with you."


GOODNESS it's been months since i updated.. sorry! here's another chapter and ima maybe update again in a few days. SCHOOL IS HARD OKAY?! i luv you all :)

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