What's special about today?

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(F/n) - first name
(F/f) - favourite food
(F/d) - favourite dessert

(F/n) Pov

It's been about a month since I've joined the Straw Hat pirates and the cook; Sanji, hasn't left me alone, much like what he does to Nami and Robin.

I mean, yea he's hot as, but he's just a womaniser. He's always fawning over Nami and Robin, so what's so different about him doing that to me? I'm just another woman he wants to show affection too and appreciate, he doesn't want only me, and that's why I don't show him how much I love his attention.

I'm in love with him, the way he accepted me straight away, though I'm sure he does that with every woman. The way he treats a woman is great, he's got a body that is just great to stare at, he's a fabulous cook and I can list so much more.

I love the way his brow swirls at the end, I love his ocean blue eyes, and I find it cute that he has a habit to hum whilst cooking.

I just only wished he loved me the way I love him, that he would actually be with me and no other girl. But I know he'd much prefer Nami or Robin, plus he's known them way longer than he has I.

I decide to head on deck of the Sunny, of course I'm instantly greeted by Zoro snoring away and an amazing aroma. Sitting on the rails trying to catch fish is none other than the captain, sniper and doctor.

I walk past them and into the kitchen. As I opened the door further the smell fully wafted over me and I began salivating.

"What are you cooking Sanji? It smells like (f/f)."

"That's because it is, I thought it'd be nice for you to have today since it's special" Sanji replied.

"What's special about today? It's only a normal day" I asked confused as to what is so special.

"It's been exactly a month since you joined and I thought it'd be nice to cook you and the crew your favourite dish."

I blushed slightly as he remembered my favourite food and wanted to make it since he thought that me being a part of the crew for one month was special.

"Thanks" I shyly murmured. He smiled in response then called the crew up for lunch.

"FINALLY, I GET TO EAT SOME MEAT!!!" Luffy yelled childishly.

"Damn cook waking me up and there's not even a bottle of booze on the table" Zoro muttered as he walked in.

Everyone else was more quiet and thanked Sanji for the meal. It was particularly quiet as we ate, apart from when Luffy had his hand stabbed from trying to steal others food and the occasional chatter.

~small time skip~

I was laying on the grass soaking I the warmth, when suddenly a shadow was leaning over me. I cracked open an eye to see Sanji brightly smiling at me with a drink in hand. He sat beside me as I sat up and took the cool drink.

We sat in silence until he decided to speak. "I'm glad you joined the crew ya know, and I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it? What do you want to ask?" I questioned him.

"Well, I'm honestly nervous about this, but, I would like to know if you'd consider to go on a date with me at the next island or we could have dinner later tonight, just the two of us so we could get to know each other better, that is if you'd like to?" He asked as he had a faint tint of pink on his cheeks.

"If I say yes, would you definitely commit to me and me alone? Are you prepared for that Sanji?"

"Yes, I know I'd still recognise beauty in all women but I would only go after you, I would only love, support and protect you, so please say yes to being mine and letting me treat you to a date" he replied without hesitation.

I nodded and he quickly brought me into a warm and tight embrace. I hugged back and smiled at the thought of him being mine alone.

"Well I guess you and I are having dinner later than everyone else tonight, just us, so hopefully there won't be any interruptions" I said as we pulled apart.

He smiled brightly and nodded as to confirm what I said.

Later after everyone finished eating and had went to sleep, I went into the kitchen to see it lit by candles with a few flowers from the garden in a jar filled with water in the centre of the table. A few petals were strewn across the room, giving a more romantic vibe.

I sat across from Sanji and looked at the mouth watering food in front of me.

"I hope you like everything I've done to try and make it seem more like an actual date" the love cook said as he picked up the knife and fork.

I nodded and replied with "yes, it looks great Sanji, and the food looks delicious."

"I also cooked (f/d) since I know you love it" he smiled sweetly at me. I blushed a little at this.

As we ate we made small talk and as he got the dessert plates and brought it over I asked "so does this make us a proper couple or is it just a date?"

"A couple if you wish unless you'd prefer it as just a date" he said and looked down a bit and he thought I'd prefer it as just a date.

I shook my head and smiled, "I think being a couple sounds better, don't ya think?"

He looked at me as I said this and I could see him physically relax. "Yea, you being mine and me being yours sound much better."

He slowly leaned over the table as if testing his boundaries, I helped him figure it out by leaning to him and kissing him fully. He gently cupped my face with his right hand and balanced himself by placing the other on the table, me doing the same as him.

He stuck his tongue out asking for permission to enter and access was granted. As we pulled away for much needed air a string of saliva kept us attached.

"You make my days so much brighter, did you know that?" He asked.

I giggled and shook my head. "No, but did you know you do the same for me?"

He chuckled and shook his head, then pecked me on the lips once more.

"Thank you for giving me a chance, now let's finish our dessert" Sanji said as he sat back down, myself following his actions as we both started eating.

'Today did end up being pretty special huh?' I thought to myself.


Hi, I thought that it'd be nice doing something different so I did this. I hope you like it and let me know if I should continue this as a book or just do a second part. Don't forget to vote or comment.

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