Our first date pt. 1

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The next part will have smut.

(F/n)'s Pov

"Island ahead!" Usopp yelled as he looked through the spyglass. I smiled and ran to the kitchen to tell Sanji.

"Sanji!" I yelled as I burst through the door, startling him. "An island is ahead, finally we can spend some time together alone."

"Finally I can take you on that date I've promised you." I smiled as he gave me a hug, slightly lifting me off the ground to twirl us around.

"Don't forget about the finding a natural spring." I winked as he placed me back down on the ground. His hands slid to my ass and groped as he smiled.

"That comes after I spoil my princess," He pecked my lips before ushering me towards our bedroom. "But before we dock, let's get changed into something else."


"Sanji here looks nice~" I spoke as we passed a smaller cafe, squeezing his hand to get his attention.

"Are you sure? I was hoping to take you somewhere fancier.." Sanji pulled me in close, one arm wrapped around my waist and the other still holding my hand, seeming as if we were going to start dancing.

"I don't care about how fancy our date is, I just want to be by your side." I pecked the blondes nose and smiled at him.

"Fuck," He whispered, "how did I score someone as perfect as you?" His hand left my waist and cupped my face, his thumb stoking my cheek.

"I think that same thought everyday." Sanji leaned in but before we kissed I pulled away giggling.

"Come on, let's eat in here." I walked backwards, motioning for him to follow. He shook his head whilst smiling, following after me.

"You sneaky little minx."

When we entered the cafe there were some smaller booths near the back which Sanji directed us to.

Once we had sat down and placed our order, I turned to Sanji with a questioning gaze.

"First off, why are we sitting in a booth at the back, and second, why have you pulled one of my legs onto your lap?"

Sanji gave me a sexy smirk and placed his hand on the inside of my thigh, slowly making it rise up my leg.

"Well why not?" He kissed my neck as his hand reached my underwear, slowly slipping his fingers inside the fabric.

"O-oh Sanji." I closed my eyes as I rested my head on his shoulder, going to close my legs but he held them open.

"W-what if the server comes over and sees this." Sanji detached himself from my neck and kept playing with my entrance.

"I'll kill him. Because you are only mine to look at." Sanji completely stopped kissing my neck and finally made his fingers enter me.

"Oh Sanji~" I grabbed his hand and pushed it further into my core, wanting to release as soon as possible. Slowly moving my hips in time with his hand, trying to be as discreet as possible whilst quietly moaning into my lovers ear.

"Hi what would- are you okay miss?"

"She's fine, we'll have (f/f) thanks." Sanji replied whilst smiling at the waiter.

"O-of course."


"That was too close Sanji!" He smirked with his arms lazily hanging around my waist as we walked through the forest.

"Yeah but it was fun, besides you should be complaining about their shitty food instead."

"You are just way too good of a cook baby." I leaned up and pecked his nose as we stood still. The wind died down around us and the sound of flowing water  caught my ear.

"Ooh a river must be close." I grabbed his hand and started to pull him in the direction where the sound came from.

"Let's make that fantasy come true then yeah?" Sanji spoke as he let me pull him along.

It was a few minutes before we came across a small waterfall no taller than two meters with a slow flowing river travelling through a small field then into the edge of the forest.

"It's going to be a bit cold.." I murmured softly before starting to slowly strip off my clothes with Sanji following my lead.

Walking to the edge of the crystal clear water I slowly step in and feel the smooth pebbles under my touch. The cool water was a nice contrast to the warmth of the sun.

"You look gorgeous my love." Sanji's large hands found my waist as we stood in the water, he trailed kisses along my neck and shoulders.

I turned in his grasp and kissed him, easing into a full on make out session. My hands grasping his hair as one of his slid down to my ass, squeezing as he pleased.

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