Chapter 8* A Fiery Start

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Where we land is a stark contrast to where we were. So different that I lose my bearings for a while.


“Right here,” he answers back unsteadily. “You okay?”

Something flutters in my chest, but I nod shakily. “Guess so.”

Turning to view my surroundings, I find myself staring at a beautiful scenery. Rolling emerald hills, long stalks of grass swaying in the wind, and a little barn house just yards away- It could have all fitted into a postcard picture.

I haven’t seen anything so beautiful since the old days. Of course, it does take a little bit of effort (and imagination) to find beauty in a world ravaged by gods. So it’s not entirely my fault, so to speak. Still, the scenery is breathtaking, and I find myself pretty much unable to speak. Judging from the silence beside me, Sam is too.

The breeze shifts, the wind playing with my hair and making it tickle my face. A brief smile plays across my lips- one that quickly morphs into disgust when I catch a whiff.

“Gross!” I exclaim, yanking my shirt up to cover my nose. “What is that smell?”

Grimacing, Sam points. “There.”

I follow his finger and my gaze lands on a plot of fenced in land. Nothing unusual about it… except until I see the dead animals.

It dug at my love of animals. Sure, I didn’t mind shooting down rabbits in the forest, or killing a deer- so long as I wasn’t the one doing it, and only if it was truly necessary. But this? Oh, it hit a little too close to home.

Some horses, beautiful, white stallions they were too, were lying on their sides in the green, green grass. Black specks buzzed around them. Nearby were the carrion of a few cows. And past that-

Forcing myself to look away, I swallow and a hard expression settles on my face. “Poor animals. They must have died when the farmer here was killed,” I hear Sam murmur.

“Let’s head for the barn house. There’s nothing we can do for them.” We set off at a brisk walk, and I keep my eyes firmly averted away from the death scene.

The straps of the backpack cut so deep into my shoulder, I’m sure they’ll leave marks. Sam seems to notice my discomfort- really, he notices everything- and touches my arm gently.

“Do you want me to carry that?”

“You just got, like, stabbed by Poseidon,” I protested, but he cut me off.


“Well then… you offered.” I shrug it off and hand it to Sam with a guilty smile, who slings it onto his shoulder with barely a flinch. My respect for him grows.

“Okay, I’ve decided to trust you 5% more now. You now have 17%, congrats.”

He smirks. “I’ll just help you carry stuff from now on,” he says. And I grin.

Pfft, it’s just a little game we play. I trust him completely, and we both know it. How could I not trust him after all we’ve been through?

“How about me?” I ask suddenly. “How much do you trust me?”

He gives me a wry smile, one that tells me I didn’t even have to ask. “100%, Kayla. I trusted you ever since you decided not to kill me in the warehouse.”

“I was just paranoid!” I say, feeling the need to defend myself. He made me sound like such a monster! I only get another wry smile in reply, and just then, we reach the barn house.

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