Author's Note 101

45 13 4

Hi there. I really don't know how to start this but then.. I guess this is it. The very first chapter to get published.

Is this book a cliché?

I guess that should be the first question that comes to your mind.. And not to lie.. I don't know. Yes, I'm the one writing it.. Yes, I have it planned out but really, I have two endings. One,good.. One, tragic. Some people don't like happy that's why I thought of something tragic initially.. But then, I really couldn't watch bad things happening.. So it breaks my heart to give my characters bad fate. So..the ending will depend on the reader's choice.

NOTE: I hate plagiarism so pay adequate attention to my words. If you find anything related to my story anywhere at anytime.. Alert me.. I promise to feed their eyes to Freya. My best friend's cousin's cat. 😂😂

I'm not a very good writer.. So I wonder why someone would want to steal my work.. And just in case you may sight plenty errors in this story, I haven't edited yet and I'm so eager to post it.

Uhm, in this story, I gave most of them nick names out of their names. It goes...

Alexis: also called Lexi, Alex, alexeesh(by her baby brother who couldn't pronounce is well).

Mason: at a point was called Mace by Alex's baby brother.

Isabelle: mostly referred to isa.

Joshua: referred to josh.

I think that's all.

Also this is plainly amateur so you can criticize Me..correct me..but please politely and gently.. I'm a really soft person. Thanks. A lot.

Oh, one more thing- writers don't get paid on it's appreciable if you, readers, read,vote and comment. Something to motivate the writer.. Let us know how you feel about what your reading. Don't just be a ghost reader. Thanks a lot. Enjoy.

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