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Hello Tall Black Guy

"Christine! You gotta do something" I said sitting down and rolling my self on the rolling chair in her office.

"Miss Christine and I can't. I submitted it to the principal already"

"Please. You know I have to make my parents Happy. It's final year." I pleaded.

"What of you? Trust me you will thank me later"

"For what? Ruining my straight a's in my final year. If y'all want me to be happy then stop pressuring me into doing something I want" I covered my mouth and shook my head as I realized what I said.

"There Lexi, you said it. What you want! Consider yourself and just fuck everything over.. Nothing's worth it."

"My medical exam is worth it"

"You don't wanna be a medical doctor" she countered rolling her eyes.

Oh so now.she read minds?

"And how do you know that?"

"Have you met you? You are amazing..sweet and your zodiac sign matches mine. Sagittarius. Trust me Lexi, you love fun.. Just give you a chance."

"So you are going to be a bad friend and not help me?"

"I'm gonna be a good friend and make your senior year.. The one to remember. Take this" she said as she handed over some files to me.

"What is this? Would it help my project?" I said as I flipped through the pages.

"It's about him. All you need to know. I made research already"

"Christine.. You are killing me! You can't just play high school episode with my life!!"

"Can't I? Can't I? Watch me babe" she said as she pulled her lips into a smirk.

I screeched and walked out of her office while as she did her 'muahhahha' evil laugh.

I joined the other students in the cafeteria and even though my mood sucked at that point.. I just wanna eat.

The school's cafeteria food is really bad and too healthy if you ask me. I always make my lunch at home and pack it to school and today, I'm glad I made peanut butter sandwich.

I scanned through the table filled with students and I saw josh and Isabelle sitting on one. I walked as fast as I could just to reach them.. Seem like a really long journey to me.

"So what did Christine say?" Isabelle asked me as I settled.

"That she can't do anything since she submitted the list to the principal and that I should just loosen up a bit this year"

"At least I see where she's going with this" isabelle said as she takes a slice of my bread.

"Nutella or peanut butter?" She asked before chewing.

"The latter" I said winking and grinning.

She returned it almost immediately. She isn't a fan of peanut butter but me, I'm a fan of both. Anything nice and edible goes for me.

"You know I don't like peanut butter" she whined.

"And that's why I packed it. Pack your lunch yourself. By the way, Christine can be so insisting. She is playing a stupid highschool game with my life. " I replied eating my sandwich.

"Lexi.. Just loosen up. Josh knows the guy. They both went to middle school together and they are friends. He is going to be our friend here too" Isabelle replied casually taking a forkful of josh's spaghetti.

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