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I should have published this chapter since Monday but I started this amazing story. Silhouette. I just wanted to get to the bottom of it.. And till now.. I  haven't😑. Anyways, here we are. I don't have an order to which I update. This is because I hardly keep to promise so I can't promise but I'll try and be prompt. Thanks.

Happily Never After

I can't wait to finish in this school and get it over with. I'll go to medical school and study medicine. Finish with that and live with my cat forever.

Hi, my name is Alex woods and I am certainly not a big fan of this world. I'm the middle born of three kids and I can tell you how disturbing that is. My dad.. Well, he's never got time to be the dad thing.. Always working and working and comes home every 3months.. Just to stay for 3days.. So if you can calculate well you will know per year I spend 12 days with him.

I think?

My mum. She is more like the party..and social person.. Today there is a dinner..and tomorrow she has to go for something else.. And the next one there is a seminar. She assumes her mum's role though..on weekends. Other days for my little brother Billy, I'm the mum and dad.

All I've ever lived for is to please them and make them happy.. I don't know why but it makes me happy too.. seeing them smile and knowing their money isn't wasted on me.. It just makes me really happy.

My dress sense sometimes can be a 100 and other times.. 0..depends on my mood and this morning I feel pretty normal. I looked at the mirror. I'm not ugly ugly.. And not pretty pretty too.. But people..well, majority in school thinks I'm cute.

I wore my beanie over my weirdly long hair and smiled in the mirror to be sure my left cheek dimple is still there. Satisfied about how pretty I look, I took my nude backpack and stepped out.

"Billy!!"  I shouted.

"Alesheess" he said in his cute voice. I've never been a fan of babies. No offence, they squeak and all but ever since I've met billy 4years ago.. I've understood them more. They can't talk so they can't tell us something is wrong with them and that's why they cry when they are bothered, hungry, sad or can't sleep. Adorable isn't it?

He came running and giggling downstairs without his complete clothes on. Soon as he noticed me, he jumped on me like it's been 5years without each other.

"My a-leshees" he said giggling. I gave him a large smile.

"Why are you giggling Billy? What's funny?"

"We are all gonna be spending the whole day together. Me.. You and mummy" he said clapping.

"No..no..no billy.. It's not Sunday.. It's Monday.. Monday..when I go to school, Mum go to work and you stay with Martha at home."

"Mon-dii? Ooh" he said in a way his mouth rounds into the 'o' shape"

"Aren't you the cutest brother? Aren't you!!" I said tickling him.

He went on laughing and laughing uncontrollably.

"If he is..then what about me?" I looked up at the deep masculine voice. I rolled my eyes to see my big brother. Andrew. I must have forgotten to introduce him earlier. Meet Andrew Woods, my older brother that my friends think is hot but I think looks like a tall lazy potato.

This my brother here, graduated high school last two years and still doesn't know what to do with his life. All he does is mess around with girls and eat. Apart from the fact that he gives best advice and that he is caring.. He can also be referred to as useless.

"Your nothing near to cute" I said putting billy down and pulling the corner of my lips to a small smirk.

"Am I not???" He said trying to reassure himself of what I just said with a glint of mischief in his face.

I chuckled. No.. No.. No.. He is not going to ruin my outfit today.

"You are not going to ruin my dress today" I said turning to go.

"You need to admit that I'm the cutest" I looked down at Billy's green large eyes and thought about it for a second.

"Get a life drew" I said twisting the door knob only to find it locked.

"You will need the key" he said holding it up and smirking.

I sighed and bent to reach Billy's height.

"Billy. I'll buy you lot of goodies when I return okay? And we will go shopping this weekend I promise. "

He gave me a satisfying nod and smiled.

"Listen to mummy and Andrew when I'm gone.. And be a very good boy. Now go inside and west your cloth" i said giving him a small peck on his cheeks.

He smiled one last time and ran inside.

"Andrew.. My favourite brother in the world.. Aren't you the best big brother?"

"I'm your only big brother" he said not moved.

"Your the best brother in this whole world" I said.

"A little louder"

"Your the best brother in this whole world." I said raising my voice.

"Louder!" He commanded.

"Your the best brother in this whole world" I shouted.

"I can hear that" billy shouted from upstairs.

"No shouting Billy" I heard mum commanding.

I see Andrew smirking and he throws me the key.

"Study well sis"

"Oh..thanks for no delay, his annoying majesty" I said running off.

"You can say that again tomorrow." I smiled hearing that and bolted towards the next street before I miss the 7:45am bus. 

Happily Never AfterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora