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You are lucky you are very cute Chica

I got home and met a note from Billy's nanny. They went to the park which leaves me all alone.

"Lexi" mum called.

Or not. Why is she home? Shouldn't she be at the town square seminar with some big people..saying different things I don't know how it concerns her but it does.

I went to her room and knocked before entering. She always corrected me on that and heh! I remembered this time. She was trying to zip up a dress and I helped her do it.

Oh great.

"Drew told me what happened yesterday"

"He did?" I said feeling offended. How could he?

"You should get treatment Alexis" she said picking up her clutch and looking at me. She is beautiful. I have her eyes. Those honey brown eyes never looked better on her. She isn't that tall but her hips protrude at each sides of her leg. And have I mentioned her glowing skin and her style?

My mum is beautiful.

She is smart.. Loving and everything. I get her and her career and that she is always busy but being a woman, a mother.. It's a career too. Being a wife..- well her husband isn't really a dad too..so no judging.

"Why should I?"

"Because you deserve it" she replied trying to apply a red lipstick.

"Do you even see it at all? Do you notice me? Do you get that everything is for you and dad? Maybe if you do.. I'll consider living. " I held back my tears and exited her room. She didn't even call my name. She doesn't even care and I swear it hurts.

I could feel my heart best at an irregular pulse as I returned to my room and i tried to balance it. I met my phone in my bed and about 4missed calls from Mason. I had given him my digits earlier before returning. I guess he is here then. I looked through the window to check if I could see him but then all I see is my mum's car leaving.

I sighed.

Nothing in this world is worth it.

A beep from my phone brought me back to the reality I snapped out of like 3seconds ago and I read the text from Mason.

"Are you home? I'm about leaving my house"

"Sure. I am" I texted back then threw my phone on my bed. I took a shower, washed my hair and blow dried it. I rubbed coconut oil on it and pack it into two small buns. Then, I wore one of my brother large shirt and a small jean short. The tiles felt cold so I wore a cute multi coloured sock and then my flip-flops. I sat on my bed as I looked through the pages of what Christine gave me on Monday.

Things I need to know about him. So his full name is Mason Anderson Wright. Cool. He is March born? No wonder he and isabelle feel so connected. She is too. I proceeded to read more about his family.

Then I must have drifted off to sleep because I got bored or something.

I opened my eyed to meet hazel ones staring into mine. I startled for a while.

"When did you enter?"

"About 15mins ago after calling your phone for like a million time" he said looking angry somehow.

"Oh..sorry. I must have slept of reading..-" just as I looked around for the paper.. I couldn't find it.

"Looking for this?" He said holding it.

"Uh oh"

"What are you a stalker?"

"No.. It's not what you think"

"Then it's what? Are we not supposed to meet and try and understand each other.. Why you gotta peak into my personal life?" He said obviously mad. I looked at him and blinked continuously. I'm hoping I look like a really cute puppy right now and not a torch light with faulty batteries.. Works with drew most times.

"You are lucky you are very cute Chica.. Very cute" he said allowing his lips to tug up.

I blushed at that.

"What's with the nickname?" I asked.

"You don't like it?" He said raising his eyebrows

"I'm not saying that exactly.. You can sit here" I said pointing to my front.

He obviously didn't listen to him as he laid next to me.

"So comfortable. Damn I wanna sleep" he said yawning.

"But your not going to.. Cause we are gonna talk"

"Okay mommy" he said rolling his eyes. That felt so childish and cute at the same time.

"So.. what's you other school like?" I asked.

"It was cool." He said still closing his eyes.

"Uhm.. Rate yourself?"


"Well sorry but I hate c's. B's are still very manageable but I don't like c's so..we work for you a b.."

"And you?"

"An A ofc." He smirked. His eyes still closer and i observed his features. His lashes are so long. And his eyebrows are really full.

How can someone look so perfect though?

He smirked still closing his eyes as if he knows I have my eyes on him. I took them off him and looked elsewhere.

"Why did you slump yesterday?" He asked still closing his eyes.

"I've been so tired lately" I said faking a yawn.

"Have you been to the hospital?" His eyes still closed but with a hint of concern in his voice

"Yeah.. It's just normal highschool tired..overworked issues." I explained further.

"Come.. Lie here beside me" he asked. His eyes no open.


"Uh.." He said knitting his brows and scrunching his nose in a very cute.

"..because I said. So common, just do it" he ordered. While I still think of being stubborn he pulled me down and I laid beside him. Heat from his body radiated to mine immediately. My whole system is certainly not in order. Something like entropy in chemistry.

"Breathe" he commanded.

I did.

"Deeper and longer" he commanded.

I did again. Then suddenly his hands found mine and he intertwined them. Sparks of thunder ran through me and they set the butterflies in my tommy unleashed. This feels wrong and right at the same time.

I shouldn't allow them.

I shouldn't allow them.

I shouldn't allow them.

"Uhm.. I'll go get water.. I feel thirsty"

"Sure." He said still closing his eyes and detaching our hands. I felt sad because of the lost if connection but I stood up and left anyways.

I went downstairs got a cup of water and gulp it down. After doing that, I roamed in the living room not wanting to return but I'll have to in the end. I walked back to my room to meet him asleep. I shook my head and let out a laugh. Silly boy.

He looked so cute when sleeping and his pink cute lips seems to draw me in.

God! What's all this?

'Just live a little' my subconscious retorted.

No! Don't go reckless.

Who do I listen to? I thought as I stare at him and think about my life.

Hey. More fun to come please this is just the beginning. Get ready for the rollercoaster. 🌸

Happily Never Afterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن