2: "Foreign" Date

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(I'm making up places that they go to. Yes,real cities and countries but the guys may or may not have been in that city yet. Also, some chapters may have names while others may not it really depends. Oh and I make up all names for hotels and restaurants except for American ones)

We get off the plane in London, England. My eyes widen at the scenic views. "Holy cow, this place is gorgeous!" I say. Zach smiles brightly. "Let's go find our car," he suggests. We all agree and look for our car. Eventually, we find our driver and head to the hotel. Once we get to the hotel, we see fans crowding the streets. And that's when I realize, this hotel is where all the businesses are. We head into the hotel with security crowding around us. "Hi, welcome to the Princeton Castlehill Hotels. What can we help you with today?" the receptionist asks. "There is a booking here for Why Don't We, it's 3 rooms," David, the boy's manager says. "Oh, okay. Here are your room keys. Have a nice day and stay safe," the receptionist says. We head to the private hallway where the rooms are. "Okay, Jonah and Eben, Daniel, Jack, and Corbyn, and then the lovebirds get their own room, is that how you want it?" David asks. We all look at each other and nod. He hands us all our room keys, of course all the rooms are connected except Zach and I's. Zach carries me into the room. He sets me on the bed and shuts the door. He lays next to me. "You're so cute, y'know," he smiles. I smile even more. "So are you," I say. He throws his shirt on the ground. "So, you want to...," he asks. I laugh and shake my head. "NO!" I say giggling. "Go on a date," Zach frowns. "Oh, I would love to go on a date with you," I say. "Good, because we need some alone time before we have our concert tomorrow," Zach says. "Because you're one of the opening acts!" My eyes widen. I smile remember how I get to open all of Zach's shows. I planned on doing a cover of a song that means a lot to me. Of course, my own song is coming out soon but the cover is mainly for Zach. He means so much to me and we've been through a lot. I can't imagine anymore things we'll go through. An hour passes. I finish doing my makeup.

"Ready babe?" Zach asks knocking on the door. I walk out wearing a black dress, black sandals, and of course, I struck a pose. Zach's jaw drops. I smile at him. We head out together attempting to avoid papparazzi. We head into a restaurant. I order a lemonade and a salad. Zach of course ordered a lemonade and tacos. I laugh at him. "What?" he asks. "You have sauce in your hair," I say. "DAMMIT!" Zach shouts. Everyone looks at him. "Oops," I say laughing. He didn't really have sauce in his hair. I just know he cares about his hair so I said that. "You be careful hot stuff," Zach says. I make a face at him. We finish eating and head back to the room. Zach and I change into something more comfortable. We snuggle into bed next to each other and fall asleep watching Netflix.

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