6: Pregnant in Paris?

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We board the plane. I sit next to Zach and he holds my hand. I feel slightly sick but I'll be okay. We finally reach Paris, France. We head into the airport and grab our baggage. This time, all the guys have their girls with them. Jack and Gabbie, Jonah and Tate, Corbyn and Christina, and of course Zach and I. We head to the hotel. All the girls share a suite and all the guys share a suite. Of course, I love being with the girls but lately I've been extremely attracted to Zach. I noticed it after we had drank alcohol that one night in Belfast. We head into our Uber. I lay my head on Zach's shoulder the whole way there. We get out and head into our hotel and get the room keys. I head into my shared suite with the girls. Zach's in the room with me. "Dang, this hotel is nice," Gabbie says. I laugh. "I know," I say. I feel even sicker than before. Eventually, I run to the bathroom and get sick. Zach left. Christina, Tate, and Gabbie run in to help me. Christina ties my hair back. Tate rubs my back and Gabbie wipes my face. Once I finish, I wash my face and chew some gum so I don't smell bad. "Leah, are you okay?" Tate asks. "Yeah, I'm okay," I say. "No, you're not. How about we stop by a pharmacy and buy you a test," Christina suggests. I sigh. "I didn't do that," I say. "Leah, you're showing all the signs of being pregnant," Gabbie sighs. "Okay fine. I might be, I don't know. How about we get it delivered?" I ask. We call the pharmacy to deliver two pregnancy test boxes. We pay for them and shut the door. I take the boxes and head into the bathroom to take all the tests. I set them on the counter in the order I took them. We wait the 5 minutes. "Positive..." Christina reads slowly. "Oh shit," I say. I fall to the ground on my knees. The guys come into our suite. Zach sees me on the floor and lifts me up. "Baby?" he says. He looks at the tests on the counter. "No..." he says. "NO!" he screams. I cry even more. "Guys, she cheated on me," Zach says. "No, baby I swear it's yours," I say. He wraps his arms around me. "It's okay, I'm here," he assures me. I change into a bra and shorts. I lay in bed and Zach turns the fan on. I lay there knowing I won't be able to attend the show.

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