Chapter 4

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The following morning, Dani woke up slightly earlier than she normally did for work. Seeing that she had an extra half hour, she decided she could squeeze in a few chapters of 50 Shades. She had only gotten through the first chapter last night because she was pretty emotionally drained after everything that had happened, and thankfully the first chapter seemed pretty innocent. She decided that she was a fan of the main character, Anastasia, maybe because she felt like she could relate to her easily. More awake than she was last night, she noticed how excited she was feeling. She couldn't deny it, the words were stirring up something inside of her.

    Roughly an hour later, Dani finishes Chapter 7 and she finds herself reeling with the array of emotions that has erupted from within her. Then, suddenly she remembers she was only supposed to read a couple chapters so that she wouldn't be late for work! "Shoot, I better go!" She exclaimed to herself. Rushing around her apartment, she grabbed her uniform, braided her hair to the side, and threw on a light amount of make up. Hopefully Daniel doesn't give her crap for being a few minutes late. Yes, her boss' name just so happens to be extremely similar to hers, it causes a lot of confusion anytime someone refers to him as Danny, but most of the crew don't care for the guy and simply stick to calling him Daniel.

    Somehow on her way to work, Dani hit almost every single light green and when she parked her car outside of her work, Damn Daniel's Food Is Good, she noticed she really was only late by about five minutes. She walked quickly into the restaraunt, bumping into Daniel the moment she got through the door.

    "Oh, I see you decided to show up", he said to her dryly, with a stern look on his face.

    "I'm so sorry I just lost track of time this morning, and my mom had tried to call me to tell me about how she thinks she is finally seeing different shades of grey and I was trying to not drive and talk on the phone illegally since I can't afford to get a ticket right now and-", she rambled on until Daniel put his hand to motion her to stop talking.

    "I don't care what happened, table 3 is waiting for their drinks. Go." He said shortly, all the while keeping his eyes glued to table 3. Dani glanced over at the table and seated there were four blonde, twenty-something year olds. One very obviously had fake boobs, not that Dani was looking, but frankly it was hard not to notice them as they were practically hanging out the small crop top she was wearing. Daniel tends to give the sluttier looking girls free food, so that must be why he was so short with her.

    Walking over to the giggling girls, Dani grabbed her notepad and pen, ready to take their orders. Before she could even greet them, one of the girls spoke up, "Um... what happened to the cute waiter?" Ouch. This was Miss Fake Boobs that decided to speak.

    "Oh Daniel isn't actually a waiter, he owns the place. That's why it is called 'Damn Daniel's Food Is Good'", Dani hated saying that name. Apparently Daniel thought it would be funny a few years ago to name a restaraunt something that was popular with the younger generation, which is disturbing when you consider that he is thirty-six.

    "But we want him to take our orders", Miss Fake Boobs said with a pout, then she added to her friends, "And hopefully take me too". Dani simply rolled her eyes and went to go find Daniel, not wanting to argue with the girl. She couldn't see why so many women found Daniel so attractive. He was probably about 5'11", roughly seven inches taller than Dani, and his jet black hair was long, at least for a man. It was down slighlty past his shoulder blades. He wasn't very friendly, except to the women he thought would let them into his pants, which explains why he has never said a kind word to Dani.

    After a few minutes, Dani finds Daniel whispering into a petite, bobacious woman's ear over by the bathrooms. Romantic, she thinks to herself sarcastically. "Sorry to interrupt, but can I speak with you for a moment, Daniel?"

    An audible groan comes from Daniel, and the small woman next to him stares daggers right into Dani's eyes. Were they just gonna get it on right here? What about that would even be fun?

    Eventually, after giving his number to the obviously high and dry woman, Daniel walks over to Dani with a rather pissed off look on his face. "What do you want now? You are not off to a good start today".

    "Table 3 requested to have you as their waiter" Dani said quietly, hoping Daniel wouldn't scream at her, she didn't want to cry.

    Instantly, Daniel's face lit up. "Well, why didn't you just say that! I would have been over there ten minutes ago if I had known that", and with that he hurriedly walked back to Table 3. As he walked over, Dani could hear him apologising for taking so long. Meanwhile, his hand was already on Miss Fake Boobs' shoulder, most likely not the only place it would be before the end of the day.

    Finally, later that evening, Dani's shift was over and she was ready to head home. After saying good bye to the cooks and other waitresses, she walked out to her car. It was around 8pm, so she knew she had plenty of time once she got home to take a nice bubble bath and read more of her books. She probably should finish reading The Fault In Our Stars, even if she did basically know the book like the back of her hand.

    She dipped each foot slowly into the warm water of the tub. Once her body was completely submerged, she could feel her muscles instantiously relax. She had brought all of her books into the bathroom with her, that way if she finished one she could easily move onto the next without having to leave the room. She picked up TFIOS, and began to open it, but not before she stole a glance at 50 Shades. She desperately wanted to keep learning more about Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, the sexual tension built from the words of the book made her feel more excited than Kyle ever even tried to do. After a few moments of contemplating it in her head, she decided Chapter 8 of 50 Shades it was.

    "Oh my- ", Dani exclaimed, as she read that Ana was indeed a virgin. "Is he going to take her virginity?"

    As she read on, she learned that Christian Grey matter-of-factly was going to take Ana's virginity, and no matter how embarrassed Dani felt from even reading the words on the page talking about the two's naked bodies, her arousement would not let her peel her eyes away. She could actually feel her vagina throbbing from beneath the water, she had never had that sensation before. She could not remember a time when she had felt so horny, the only memory coming even close in comparison were her encounters with Justin. Oh Justin! At that moment, she wanted more than anything to call him up. She had only not contacted him because she didn't want to seem too eager to speak with him, so she had planned on making herself wait at least three days. She knew she had to do it now though, even if she knew that was just her lower region making the executive decision.

    Dani carefully climbed out of the tub, doing her best not to slip and fall on her face. She grabbed her towel she had set out and wrapped it around herself, not bothering to take the time to dry off. Back in her bedroom, she saw her phone was set on her nightstand, and in her top drawer was where she had set the note that Justin had left in the book. She pulled open the drawer and got her phone ready to dial. Wait, she thought to herself. It is already 9pm, I probably shouldn't call him, besides what would I say? She began to close the drawer, but before she did she read the note again. Even just reading his words made her feel all kinds of butterflies. Would a text message be too juvenile?   

    Opening up her text messages, she attempted to compose a message to send to Justin. "Hey, how you doin?" She read aloud. "No, too weird" She erased the message. "Hi, this is Dani", she groaned, "Too formal". She wrote out many different messages, but ultimately deleted all of them. Then, finally she had an idea. "I guess at least you didn't buy me a laptop like Christian Grey would have." She smirked as she read over the message, feeling confident with what she had come up with.

    Merely five minutes later, Dani's phone dinged. A new text message from Justin. "Dani? I see you're enjoying the book. I figured you'd get more pleasure from that book than a computer. ;)"

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