Chapter 23

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Dani woke up that afternoon to someone pounding on her door. She was still curled up on her bathroom floor, spooning her toilet. She groaned before slowly getting up and begrudgingly walked to see who was at her door.

"Who is it?" She screamed out, not wanting to even attempt to look through the peep hole after just waking up.

"It's me, Justin. Please open the door", Dani heard while she was yawning. She smiled, thankful to finally getting the chance to see him in what felt like forever. However, the events of last night hit her and her smile instantly disappeared. She didn't even know if she could handle being around another person right now, even Justin. She was also still kind of irritated with Justin after he bascially left her in the dark all of this week. As she stood there pondering whether or not to open the door, she heard him speak again. "Baby, please."

Not being able to withstand the pleading voice any longer, Dani opened the door. Justin's face first showed a glowing smile, that is until he took in Dani's appearance. She had bags under her eyes, her eyes didn't have their usual liveliness to them. It looked like she had been crying for hours. She was also only wearing a towel, but Justin chose to ignore that at the moment.

"Hey", he whispered, like he was afraid to speak too loud.

"Hey", Dani whispered back. She left it at that, leaving the front door open for him to come inside while she walked back to her bedroom to put on something to wear other than a towel. A few miutes later, she rejoined Justin in the living room wearing baggy sweats and an oversized t-shirt. She sat down next to him and sighed loudly.

"Are you okay, Baby?" Justin looked worriedly into Dani's eyes, he went to take a hold of her hand, but she pulled it away as soon as their skin touched. Dani felt bad, but she wasn't ready for human contact just yet. That question alone made her start sobbing, she just couldn't hold it in.

"What's wrong?" Justin pleaded. "Please talk to me."

"Daniel, he- he- ", she couldn't say the words. They hurt too much.

"Daniel? What did he do? Did he hurt you?" Justin asked quickly.

Dani nodded, crying harder now.

Justin instantly felt his blood boil, but he didn't want to scare Dani, so he tried to speak calmly to her. "Can you tell me what he did? Did he hit you?"

Dani shook her head no, covering her face with her hands. "He... touched me."

"What do you mean?" Justin asked, confused. Then it dawned on him, "Wait, did he touch you like... he raped you?" Justin tried to speak slowly and carefully, he didn't want to trigger Dani. She sobbed loudly and nodded slightly.

"Oh Baby, I'm so sorry", Justin wanted to hug her and hold her more than anything in the world right now, just to let her know she was safe, but he understood why she wouldn't want that right now. "Do you want me to take care of him?"

Dani laughed at this, taking Justin by surprise. "No, he's a terrible person, but I'm not sure what I want to do yet. I think it's safe to say I don't want to go back to work there, though."

"Do you want to try and talk about it? You don't have to go into the details, but maybe just briefly tell me what happened?" Justin said with a soothing tone.

Dani hesitantly nodded, telling him a vague overview of what happened between her and Daniel last night, she could tell as she was talking that it was hard for Justin to hear this, but he kept his feelings at bay, for her.

"Well, I am a lawyer so if you want to sue him or anything like that, I will more than gladly help you", Justin told Dani.

"Thank you", Dani smiled. She slowly moved her hand towards his, he didn't move his hand, but he let Dani wrap her fingers around his. "I really appreciate you being here for me."

"Of course, Beautiful", Justin returned the smile. "I may have kind of gotten scared when you weren't answering your phone, honestly I thought you were pissed at me and just didn't want anything to do with me anymore." Justin now looked sad.

"To be fair, I haven't been the happiest with you this week. You said you would explain, but you never did."

"I know, and I'm really sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you, but I can try and explain now? Or later, when you're feeling more up to it?" Justin said nervously.

"I'd actually rather hear it right now", Dani said quietly, still grasping onto Justin's hand.

"It's my Mom, actually. She recently started drinking again, like she did when my Dad first died. It was hell breaking her drinking habit, but we did it after a year of counseling and AA meetings. She fell off the wagon again, and this time it's much worse. I think she's doing drugs now, but she's keeping it from me. I can tell something is different with her, I just don't know why she would put herself through all of this again when she had such a hard time with it last time", Justin explained with a somber expression.

"I'm really sorry to hear that", Dani felt bad that she couldn't do more to help him through this. "Do you think counseling will help again?"

"I'm not too sure, honestly. She calls me up every few days telling me that she's staying sober, but then one night she will call me and say horrible things to me over the phone and I can instantly tell she's drunk. My Mom is really a great person, but not when she's drunk. I just don't know how to help her anymore. That's where I was this week, and the other week that I was gone, too."

"Maybe we can figure something out, together", Dani smiled reassuringly, leaning against Justin's shoulder.

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