Chapter 44

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 Dani woke up the next morning to Kyle cooking something that smelled delicious in his kitchen. The aroma of coffee filled Dani's nostrils as well. She stood from the couch and stretched, yawning at the same time. At first, everything felt like it did back when she was dating Kyle. It was just another normal day of waking up at his place, however it didn't take more than a few moments for the memories from the previous night to flood Dani's head. Her heart hurt, and she suddenly felt the urge to lie back down and sleep for a couple more days, or at least a few more hours.

"Good morning", Kyle greeted her as he walked in with a hot cup of coffee. He handed it off to her and almost looked like he was going to lean in for a kiss. Thankfully, to Dani's relief, he seemed to have decided not to.

Dani sipped on her cup of coffee, it was a little too bitter for her taste. She then thought she heard her phone ring so she checked where she had left it before she fell asleep, but it wasn't there. "Where did it go?" Dani scavenged the couch for the cell phone.

"Where did what go?" Kyle asked nonchalantly as he was reading the newspaper.

"My phone, I can't find it. I left it right here last night."

"Oh yeah, I grabbed it this morning and put it on the charger for you." He said matter-of-factly.

"Oh", Dani stopped her search, "Well do you mind if I have that back? I should probably let Shannon know I'm okay. Oh God! Shannon! I hope she made it home all right, I completely forgot that she rode with us."

"Us" Dani repeated, but this time in her thoughts only. She was saddened by the idea of them together now because that was in the past. There would never ever be an "us" that included her and Justin, not after what he did to her. She wasn't sure that was something she would ever want to try and forgive him for. She decided she didn't care how strong her feelings were for him. In fact, that was the problem altogether: her feelings. Dani had gotten too invested, too wrapped up in Justin. She let her heart taken over the wheel and her mind had gotten thrown into the back seat, just along for the ride. And, well, the ride ended with a terrible crash that left her heart never wanting to be in the driver seat again.

"I'm sure Shannon made it home fine, she always managed to find a bed to sleep in", Kyle spoke with a bitterness to his tongue, "And I'll go grab your phone right now."

Kyle went into the other room, he grabbed her phone which had begun ringing again, and came back to give it to Dani. Dani took her phone and saw that it was actually her mother who was calling her. It had been quite a few days since she had spoken to her so she answered and tried to sound happy, she pretended nothing was wrong and her mom seemed to believe it. They talked for a few short minutes about nothing in particular. Dani ended the call and felt a little lighter, her mom always made things better even when she wasn't trying to.

Dani saw that she had lots of notifications for text messages, so she opened them up but somehow there were only a few showing. All of which were from Shannon. Dani thought that was weird as her phone originally showed that she had fifteen text messages and yet only four were showing. However, she dismissed it as her phone just glitching as it always did dumb things like this and it wouldn't surprise her if it was doing it now too.

"I should probably head home now", Dani said as she began to gather her things.

"Do- do you really think that's such a good idea?" Kyle stuttered as he quickly stood up.

Dani eyed him, and his suddenly weird and rash behavior seemed slightly suspicious. "Um, yeah. It's my home, I've kind of got to go there sooner or later."

"Oh, well yeah of course. But what if Justin goes over there?" Kyle scratched the back of his neck.

"I have a lock on my door Kyle, I'll be fine." Dani could tell he still seemed apprehensive about letting her go. "Really, I promise."

"Okay, well let me grab my keys and I'll give you a ride."

The drive to Dani's house was quiet, aside from Kyle tapping his fingers repeatedly on the steering wheel. They pulled into her building's parking lot and she saw none other than Justin standing there, leaned up against his Challenger. Dani froze in her seat. The windows on Kyle's car had been rolled down so when Justin glanced over at the vehicle he was able to clearly see Dani and Kyle together. Dani had averted her eyes the moment they made eye contact. Justin suddenly threw his car door open and slammed it after he had jumped in. He took no time to start his car and flew out of the parking lot, as if he couldn't get away from Dani quick enough.

Dani couldn't understand why he would have been waiting here for her and then the moment she shows up, he leaves. And why hadn't he attempted to contact her anymore? Did he really care that little about her?

"I- ", Dani started. "Thank you for the ride." She quickly opened the door to the car and basically sprinted towards her apartment building.

"If you need anything just call me!" Kyle shouted out the window, but Dani didn't turn back as she wanted to get to the comfort of her own home as quickly as possible. She couldn't endure a breakdown where everyone would be able to openly witness her falling apart.

She locked the door to her apartment as soon as she was inside. She ran straight for her bed, ripping all of her clothes off of her body on the way to it. Throwing the blanket around herself, she quickly succumbed to the tears that had been threatening to spill from the moment she laid her eyes upon Justin. She screamed out in agony from the way her heart felt like it had been split into two pieces. The book laying upon her nightstand caught her eyes while she laid there sobbing, she would recognize that cover anywhere. She picked up the book, The Fault In Our Stars, and threw it across the room as hard as she could. A loud thud followed as it hit the wall.

"Love is so fucking overrated!" Dani screamed out. "I hate him. I hate him. I hate him!"

Dani laid there, sobbing and crying. She began to fall asleep after several minutes, she was too tired to fight her heavy eyelids. And just as she was about to dive fully into her sleep, there was a loud knock at her door.

"Dani, I need to talk to you!"

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