Chapter 11

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Justin had to leave later that night, as both of them had work the following morning. After Dani had finally experienced what an orgasm was like, she wanted it again. And again. So in total, Justin helped her finish four times. It was safe to say that Dani was completely exhausted by the end of the night. After she had finished the fourth time, she basically passed out on the couch. Justin put all of her clothes back on and carried her to her bedroom, tucking her in, all without waking her up.

    Dani woke up a couple hours later, her face covered in her own slobber. She then realized that she had no idea how she was in her own bed, not being able to remember how she had gotten there. She went to crawl out of bed, however, she stopped when she felt some discomfort down below. She felt... swollen? Suddenly, everything that happened earlier came rushing back to her. The moans, Justin's fingers, her orgasms, she felt like she was living through all of it over again. She couldn't believe Justin made her cum four times, especially when she had never done that before. That was one of the most amazing feelings I have ever experienced, she thought to herself. She needed to remember a few of the things he did to her so that maybe she could try it out on herself later.

    She looked around her apartment, checking to see if Justin had ended up crashing here or if he did actually go home. Once she had checked every room, she realized he had indeed left. Why did she feel slightly disappointed at that thought? It was way too early for any sleepovers anyways. She saw that her phone was still sitting on her couch, so she figured she should grab it and put it on the charger before she went back to bed. As she was walking back to her room, she opened up her text messages and saw there were two unread messages, one from Shannon asking "Soooooooooo is 50 Shades into dicks?", and one message from Justin, "Hope I didn't wear you out too much ;)". Even though no one was around, Dani still blushed at his message, knowing fully well what he meant. She quickly typed out "Hope you made it home okay :)" and climbed back in bed, still exhausted from their earlier activities and falling asleep almost immediately.

    The following morning, Dani had woken up earlier than she needed to for work again. Having the extra time, she decided she could read a few chapters of a book, as long as she put a twenty minute timer on this time so that she wasn't late to work again. She had the choice of reading either The Fault In Our Stars, still for the thirteenth time, or 50 Shades of Grey. With the way her life had been going recently, it made most sense to read more of 50 Shades, but she missed the comfort of TFIOS, so eventually that's what she decided to read. Still relatively in the beginning of the book, she curled up on her couch. She always loved reading about the way that Augustus and Hazel meet. She had read the book so many times that she knew their love story by heart, reading those few lines where they encounter each other for the first time always made her excited and a little nostalgic, almost like the characters have no idea what they are in for and she's the only one who knows what is to come in this little fictional world.

    After twenty minutes, she managed to read a couple chapters and was ready to leave for work. Grabbing her car keys, she made her way out of her apartment and down to her car. This entire morning had been very peaceful and relaxing, Dani just felt genuinely happy. She wasn't sure if that had anything to do with her new experiences from last night, or just because of Justin in general, but she didn't care to question it. Speaking of Justin, Dani decided to check her phone for any messages from him while she was stopped at a red light. Looking through her messages, she only found a new message from her mom and nothing from Justin. Maybe he didn't work this early, she reminded herself, not wanting to over think the situation.

    Walking into work, her eyes instantly gravitated towards Justin. She had no idea he would be here, but there he was sitting in a booth in her section. Dani couldn't help but let her eyes wander all over him, truly taking in all of his features. It was then that she noticed he wasn't alone, there was a woman sitting across from him, a very attractive woman might she add. Jealousy swarmed around inside of Dani, but she didn't want to jump to any conclusions since she had absolutely no idea who this woman was. Besides, she and Justin weren't exclusive so she had no place to even be jealous.

    After Dani clocked in, she had to go over to Justin's table to get their drinks and orders. Feeling extremely awkward, she walked over and was stuck standing there, not wanting to interrupt their conversation. She cleared her throat after several minutes of her standing there and neither of them taking notice. Ouch.

    "What can I get started for you two?" Dani said with a tight smile.

    Justin looked up, then back at his menu, and then did a double take once he realized it was Dani standing there ready to take his order. "Dani? I didn't know you worked here!" He said with a genuine smile.

    Dani relaxed at the sight of his smile, trying not to visibly swoon. "I'm sorry, I guess I must have forgotten to mention that. Anyways, did you two want anything to drink?"

    "Yes please, we will both have a water."

    Dani felt a slight jab to her pride when she realized Justin had ordered for the both of them, the other half of them being this busty platinum blonde woman. So this must not be somebody he just met since he already knows what she wants to drink, Dani thought to herself. She tried to supress the green monster insider her, but knew that if she stood here any longer it would appear. She got away as quickly and inconspiciously as she could manage.

    Once Dani was in the kitchen, she found a seat and tried to steady her breathing. After a few minutes, she had calmed herself down and realized she was being utterly ridiculous. This jealous person was not who Dani was, and she was not going to let anything turn her into that. Kyle was the overbearingly jealous and accusing type, always assuming Dani was sleeping around with his friends. However, towards the end of their relationship Dani got the feeling that Kyle was probably the one who was cheating, and his guilty conscience was making him project those feelings onto Dani.

    Dani grabbed two waters and made her way out of the kitchen, feeling a lot more level headed as she approached the table. Smiling at both Justin and his acquaintance, she set the waters down. Each of them taking a drink of the fresh water. As Dani was about to ask for their meal orders, the woman jolted up.    

    "What is this shit?! Tap water from a homeless shelter?" The woman screamed at Dani.

    "I- I'm- uh- I'm sorry, Miss. This is the only water we offer", Dani tried to spit out without stuttering as much as she could.

    "This is bullshit. I need to speak with your manager! I can't believe you even gave me such a beverage, if it can even be considered that. Don't you know who I am?" She screamed some more, causing a scene in the restaurant.

    "I will go get- " Dani started.

    "Jasmine, stop you are embarrassing yourself, and me. The water is fine, please leave our waitress alone. She did not do anything wrong",  Justin spoke to the wretched woman, Jasmine apparently.

    "Didn't do anything wrong?! She is a useless idiot who can't even find decent water to bring me!"

    "Okay that is enough. You need to leave, I will not defend you on this case if you can not even show this woman some decency." Justin said firmly, standing next to Dani. He slid his arm into the small of Dani's back, relaxing her instantly.

    Jasmine scoffed, not really believing the words coming out of Justin's mouth.

    "Please, do not make me repeat myself", he ordered.

    And with that, Jasmine stormed out of the restaurant, yelling any and every swear word that she could think of. Dani's heart warmed at Justin's actions, thankful that he stood up for her knowing fully well that she would not do that for herself.

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