Chapter 9

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Saturday was Dani's day off, so she took advantage of it by sleeping in. For her, sleeping in pretty much only consisted of sleeping until about ten, and then finally getting up and making herself what she would consider to be a gourmet breakfast. She was making chocolate chip waffles in the waffle maker that her Mom had bought her last Christmas, as well as scrambled eggs and bacon. She poured herself a glass of orange juice and plopped herself down on her couch, ready to devour her delicious plate of food. Still in her pajamas, she turned on the tv so that she could watch whatever cartoons were still playing. Tom & Jerry, a classic. She thought to herself while smiling. Dani had watched cartoons every Saturday morning since before she could remember, however as a child she used to wake up a lot earlier to watch them, but as an adult this was one of the few days she had the chance to sleep in and she wasn't passing that up for anything.

    Dani could faintly hear the ringing of her cell phone, which was still on her nightstand in her bedroom. Walking quickly over to it, she saw that Shannon was calling her, slightly diappointed that it wasn't Justin's name on the screen.

    "Hey Shan, what's up?" Dani said, answering the call.

    "Can I come over? I've got some tea to spill with you, I'll even bring my pjs", Shannon replied back.

    "Sure, I've got some food left over from breakfast, if you want any."

    "Any waffles left over?" Shannon said quickly.

    Dani laughed, "Yes, there are a few pieces left. I'll save them for you."

    Roughly twenty minutes later, Shannons walks through Dani's door, using the key she has to unlock it. Before even saying a word to Dani, she walks into the kitchen to make herself a plate of food. Walking back into the living room carrying a glass of milk and a plate full of the leftover food, Shannon makes her way over to the couch and plops down next to Dani. Dani watches all of this with an amused look on her face, cherishing the kind of friendship she and Shannon have. They have been friends since middle school, originally bonding because a group of mean girls would torment Dani and call her foul names every day at lunch. One day, Shannon had been nearby and overheard what the cruel girls were saying. Angered by how mean they were being, she took the slushie she had in her hand and threw it on the "ring leader" girl of the group, landing right on her pants. Shannon had screeched out, "Oh my god! Your period stained your pants! I guess that's what happens when you're a bitch". Unfortunately for Shannon however, a school supervisor had happened to walk by as she had thrown the slushie and had somehow managed to completey miss the blatant bullying and harassment coming from the group of girls. Shannon had been suspended from school for two weeks after that, and when she was allowed to come back she made sure to have lunch with Dani every day. At first, she was only doing it to make sure those mean girls didn't mess with Dani anymore, but after awhile she genuinely liked Dani and had never had a friend like her before, and the rest is history.

    "Okay so what's this tea you have to spill?" Dani questioned Shannon, laughing because as she asked this Shannon had just taken a huge bite of her waffle.

    Once she had swallowed her food, Shannon spoke. "So I met a guy last night".

    "That isn't anything new", Dani teased.

    "Oh shut up, you're just jealous that I got some and you didn't." Shannon said, playfully shoving Dani. "Anyways, I met this hot guy at this new club I found downtown called On The Rocks. Its actually a gay club. The guy I met just so happened to be bisexual though, lucky me."

    "Never heard of it", Dani replied.

    "Me either, until last night. It's pretty fancy, for a club. But this guy I met was beyond gorgeous, like I'm pretty sure he's an Instagram model." Shannon said, looking as if she was going to start panting like a dog.

    "Aren't they always? Otherwise you probably wouldn't sleep with them", Dani said sarcastically.

    "Well... I can show you what he looks like, if you want?" Shannon said, with a hint of an evil smile trying to fight its way onto her face.

    "Sure, I guess?" Dani responded cautiously.

    Shannon grabbed her phone out of her pocket and began eagerly searching through it. "Here it is", she said handing the phone over to Dani.

    "He can't be that- OH MY GOD! You could have mentioned that he was naked in the picture!", Dani exclaimed, quickly averting her eyes from the picture. The picture Shannon had on her phone was showing the stranger's genitals, with a smiling (and most likely plastered) Shannon holding her thumbs up directly next to it.

    "Just be thankful I was nice and didn't show you the video", Shannon laughed, then checked the picture out herself as well. She looked as if she was going to start drooling any minute now.

    "So was that all? You slept with a hot guy again?" Dani asked, raising an eyebrow.

    "No, that's not all." Shannon started, "You'll never guess who I saw at that club last night too".

    "Who?" Dani asked, genuinely curious who Shannon could have seen at a gay club downtown.

    "Hot 50 Shades guy!" Shannon exclaimed.

    "Wait what?!" Dani asked, not believing her ears.

    "Yeah I saw him talking to that same guy I was just telling you about when I had gotten there, but something must have come up because he had looked at his phone and rushed out of there. That's how I had ended up talking to the Instagram model dude, I had planned to ask him how he knew 50 Shades guy."

    "And?" Dani questioned, waiting to hear the explanation. Why the heck would Justin be at a gay club?

    "And... we never got to that part. My mouth was a little busy for the rest of the night, if you catch my drift." Shannon smirked.

    "I always catch your drift, Shan. But why in the world would Justin be there? I can't believe it, he must have been there before he came here", Dani said thinking back to last night.

    "Excuse me, what? He came here last night? So you did get some??" Shannon spit out quickly.

    "No", Dani blushed remembering their little make out session in the kitchen last night.

    "You lying whore! That look on your face says otherwise! Tell me everything!" Shannon exclaimed.

    "We just had a really intense make out session, that's all. He had come over because I was sad, Daniel was a jerk to me yesterday."

    "Awww", Shannon cooed.

    "But I'd still like to know why he was at a gay club. I mean, what if he's actually gay?" Dani thought out loud.

    "If he made out with you and didn't try to fuck you, he might just be gay." Shannon said, mostly kidding.

    "Should I ask? Or would that be too weird?" Dani asked.

    "It would be a lot more weird if you ended up sleeping with him and not finding out he's gay until after", Shannon said shrugging her shoulders. Dani couldn't help but see that as being a good point. She decided the next time she saw Justin she would casually bring it up, hoping he would have a reasonable explanation for being at a gay club that didn't include him confessing to her that he was gay.

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