When Rage Meets Love NiallHoran fanfiction

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"No i don't have anger issues Dad !" i shouted over the phone ; gripping my bow tighter . 

"You do . You're screaming at me right now love ." Dad says over the phone . 

"I'm sorry ." i breathed . I closed my eyes and breathe in and out . I glanced at the picture of Dad ,Mom and I 3 years ago . 

"I miss you Dad." i whispered . 

"I miss you too , hun . But you know i'm on duty . I'll be back on Christmas i promise." he says . 

Promise shwomise . He made promises like that but he hasn't come home for a year . I know he's on duty and always at war but still .... Which daughter doesn't miss their dad who's at war ?

 Dad is at Palestin , helping the Palestinians fight off Israel . It's touching honestly , but i just hope i didn't end up with a telegram saying he's dead . 

"Oh and someone will be staying over at our house with you , okay hon ?" Dad says . 

"Okay Dad . Who i-" i started but then i heard loud explosions  in the background and Dad's panicky voice . 

"I've to go ! We've been hit again. I love you-" and that was all . I only hear the empty long tone of the phone . 

I put it back on the receiver and sobbed . 

After a while , i decided i have to stop being a crybaby and be strong for my Dad . He's in peril and i just hope he'll survive . 

I stand up and went out of the well-protected house . And by well-protected ,  i meant CCTVs  and alarms installed into every corner except my room . 

Plus there was a guard stationg guarding only my house . I felt foolish , but my Dad's protective that way . 

I went to the huge backyard of the house and continued my archery practice . 

It was a good therapy for me and a well defence if anything even happens around here . 

I hear footsteps from behind me . I tensed ; lowering my bow and listening harder . 

The guards never approached me , they were too well focused at the gates more than greeting me anyway . 

I turned around , pulled my bowstring and let it go . 

It was my first time of using the bow and arrows in quick movement , so i missed . Thank God , i think as i saw who it was . I was shocked .

"Horan ? What're you doing here ?" i asked Niall ;whose face was plastered in shock and astonishment . 

"I-I - My dad - He- Your dad -He asked me to sleepover." he stuttered ; still in a shock over his close encounter to mere death . 

"Why didn't you tell me it was you instead of sneaking up behind me ??" i shouted.

"I didn't know you would get so violent !!" he says ; trying to defend himself . 

Niall Horan . The son of my dad's old friend . We were never close . In fact , we were enemies from Year 7 , ever since he stole my food which letting me end up starving the whole day .

Why would my father asked HIM of all people to sleep over at my house ?  Ugh .

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