Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:>>

I was sitting in my room at a table , quickly writing a letter to Dad . I doubt the phone could reach him right now , what with all the explosions and bombs happening .

 Dear Dad ,

It wrote .

I hope this letter gets through to you . Mostly i just hope you're okay . I just got one question , though . You know Niall and I are not on good terms ever since the schooldays . Honestly , he stole my food once ! I know it's childish . But when it comes to food , you know how I am . Why did you invite him over instead of my old friends ? 

Lots of love ,


 I stared at my scrawny handwriting ; reading it over and over again , making sure it sounds just right .

Then , i stamp it up with enough stamps to get to the Recruite Base at Pakistan and went out of my room . 

I wonder how Niall's doing ? I left him at the living room ; telling him he could scavenge whatever was left on the fridge . 

Now that reminds me , i'll have to go grocery shopping today . 

When i was downstairs i looked around and saw that Niall was nowhere to be seen . 

I was confused but i shrugged it away , thinking he's off to somewhere . Maybe back to his One Direction pals . 

Ever since he left for X Factor , life has been much more boring than ever . Before that show , he'd always come around to my house just to annoy me . Once , he told the guards i was his girlfriend and was there for dinner . 

And for the next few weeks , the guards looked at me like i was some kind of a flirty girl . Inviting her boyfriend over . Ugh . Took a while for them to get over it . 

Oh yes . That one time , Dad , Mr.Horan , Niall and I were out for dinner , and i embarassed him in front of all the people there , just to get him back for what he'd done the week before . Dad was mad at me but i didn't care . 

All i cared for is that i got him back .

I walked out of the house and towards the guard house . 

"Send this for my Dad please ." i say ; giving him my best smile . 

" 'Sho will." he says ; nodding good-naturedly as he took the letter and went riding off in his bike . 

I will have to check up on Niall before i go out for grocery shopping ...

I walked around the house and when i got to the archery section , i saw Niall playing around with my bow and arrows .

He was about to shoot, already pulling the bowstring . I gasped . 

"Niall-" i started to call out but it was too late . 


Niall screamed a deafening scream as the bowstring cut his arm deeply . 

I dashed to him ; worried . Worrying over your enemy ? Yeah , all i ever do is play pranks on him , but i never wanted him hurt or even dead . 

Niall was rolling around on the ground ; screaming in pain . 

I'll bet the neighbours are watching . 

"NIALL ! Oh my God ! Are you okay ? What the hell are you doing with that professional bow ? And not even wearing the arm pad !" i babbled out . 

I checked his cut and already felt queasy . 

"Just help me okay ?" he says ; groaning in pain . 

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