Chapter 2

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A/N : Hello lovely people ! I'll update tonight so i won't have to update till next Monday ! I reckon i'm going to be busy during the schooldays  , what with the piling homeworks plus the chores at home . :D 

Anyways , i just hope this story is good enough for you guys to vote . Really , is it that hard to click on the vote button ? :O 

Enjoy the story , loves ! 
Lots of love ,
Pixie xx 

Chapter 2 :>>

I woke up feeling very disoriented as there were noises downstairs . I thought i was alone . 

I sat up confused . Then i remembered what had happened yesterday . 

I walked up to my bathroom to take a shower . When i was done , i put on my baggy shirt that fell on one shoulder and knee-high jeans . 

My hair was short , only stopping at the core of my shoulder . It was honey-coloured . I loved my hair . 

My Mom used to call me her Lil Sunshine , as i was always angry and temperamental . I wonder if that's the same . I shrugged . 

But she always told me that that was one of my flaws and i'm beautiful just the way I am . 

I believed her , until she was gone from the world forever . 

I wiped away my tears . When i have done drying and combing my hair , i went out of the room . 

"Niall! What the hell is going-" i started but stopped when i saw four other guys at the living room ; wrestling with one another . 

I recognised them  because i watched X Factor for Niall . Back then i wanted to see him embarass himself . There's a tiny little hope in my heart that wished for him to get through and become famous .

The thing about Niall is that he's determined to get what he sets his mind to . I have to admire that quality on him .

I marked the brown-haired guy trying to sort things out with Liam , the black-haired tattooed guy as Zayn , the curly one as Harry and the loud one as Louis . 

They all looked up as i watched them in a funny way . 

"Um , hi ?" i say ; waving uncertainly . I knew i was in the presence of five famous guys , but i never bothered fangirling . That'd make me look like a fool .

"HI ! WE'RE ONE DIRECTION !" They all say ; beaming up at me . 

"Um I know . I'm Nicole ." i say a bit nervously . 

"So Niall told me you're his girlfriend ?" Louis asked me . 

I gave him a funny look .

"What ?No ! I'm not his girlfriend!" i say ; glaring at Niall who was now trying to run away . 

"Er. I-I did not told you that!" Niall says to Louis ; apparently getting nervous . 

"Oh yes you did . Don't lie to the Swag-Masta." Zayn says .

"Forget what they say . I'm Harry." Harry says ; winking at me . 

Err . Flirty much ?

"Hi Harry ." i say ; half-smiling . 

"Can somebody teach me how to play the archery ? I've always wanted to play that ." Zayn says ; looking hopefully up at me . 


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