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Your sleep had been disturbed by a very obnoxious taehyung. He had been shaking you and yelling,"YAH!!!PABO WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UPPPPPP" you had woken up confused for a second, once everything came rushing to your mind you stood. "Jimin what the hell are you and (y/n) doing here? We all agreed to never come back here... Now I'm assuming you told her everything..." Your brother looked down with his head hung low.
"Y-yeah Taetae... He did. But I don't really care, I still love you guys just the same." you said putting a big smile on your face. You had heard Jimin mumble something. "What was that?" You turned to the boy, tilting your head to the side.
"I-I said just like Hobi." He repeated. "A-and Tae. Everythings fine. She knows it's all in our pasts." He looked at your brother, kind of with a childish sparkle, "We wont let her find the others or anything. Even though I know we all still talk sometimes," He scratched the back of his neck sort of unsure.
"Jimin you havent talked to her in so long, she isn't as sweet and innocent anymore. She's going to try and find them. Why did you tell her?" Taehyungs voice was laced with a little anger and some worry, his eyebrows pointing as low as they go, a snarl planted on his face. He wasn't completely wrong, you wanted to meet them. You would try, but you arent as dedicated as he makes you seem.
"He's not wrong, Chimchim, I do want to meet them, even if I have already this is exciting." You started jumping in place like a little kid in a candy store. "It sounds like I'm a lot like... Hobi? Did you say?" Jimin nodded."which one is that? I'm bad with names..."
"Thats the one with a sister." Jimin said wholeheartedly.
"Lets go home, I wanna go home." Taehyung says with his head hung low. We all left to go home, the awkward air following us all the way there.

Word count: 348
A/n: sorry its been such slow updates but uh... I dont really have an excuse😅 sorry tho... I'll try and do better.

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