Chapter 1: the first day.

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Draco trudged down the staircase into Kings Cross Station, his mother following close behind. His trolly rattled as the wheels got caught on stray pebbles, concrete or random possessions that have been dropped or left behind. With his head down (so that no one would recognise him), he glanced behind to see if Narcissa was still following before running through the wall onto the platform of 9 ¾. He quickly let one of the staff take his suitcase and his new owl, Gregory, named after his friend who perished in the fire, onto the train. He lifted his hand luggage, with his uniform folded neatly inside, onto his shoulder before his mother quickly kissed his forehead and sent him off. He found an empty compartment and sat down after lifting his luggage onto the overhead shelf. He tugged the Black hood of the muggle 'hoodie' over his head, scratching at his left arm absentmindedly. The hood shielded his platinum blonde hair and piercing eyes from view so he wouldn't have to worry about anyone recognising him. As the train began to move he moved his head to look out of the window, watching all the happy parents wave away their darling children as he watched on, dreaming about a time where he father may have done that but no. The last time his father smiled at him was when he was a bratty first year after he had come home talking about how he got the best mark in potions, even above Granger! Of course he didn't call her granger, something much more disgusting, a word he never wants to say again, but that's not the point. As the train station slowly melted away to hills of green, his eyes slowly dropped and his mind became nothing but mush.

Just as he was about to fall asleep the door to the compartment banged open and three figures huddled inside, only to see what looked to be someone in a black hoodie, curled into a ball looking out the window but seemingly motionless. Draco held his breath and kept his eyes closed, hoping the three would leave him alone. That was wishful thinking of course, two dropped opposite him, one immediately tugging the shorter one into a side hug of sorts. The other figure dropped down a little bit away from him. The three began to talk quietly, politely not 'waking' him.

2 out of the 5 hours in, the train shook, waking Draco up from his actual sleep. He noticed that it was now getting darker outside and it had began to rain.
"Well well. Awake are we?" 
Potter asked, smirk present his face. He obviously hadn't realised who was sat next to him yet as his hood hadn't fallen down. He nodded once to confirm but otherwise kept silent. His fingers scratched the dark mark through his hoodie again anxiously and kept his face hidden from the golden trio. The three of them took notice of his violent scratching and gave each other slightly concerned glances. Harry reached his hand out and took Draco's hand away.
"Hey.. don't do that. You'll hurt yourself."
Draco scoffed and pulled the hood further over his face. He mumbled,
"That's the point Potter."
His voice was quiet and held no spite whatsoever, just weariness and anxiety for what was to come later, once at hogwarts.

Harry, Hermione and Ron all gaped at the boy, who they all recognised now as Draco Malfoy, spoke to them. They all immediately stiffened and reached for their wands sneakily, Draco still saw of course and rolled his eyes, a chill running through his body at the thought of them thinking he was a deatheater by choice like his father. He sighed quietly and pulled his hood even further over his face, and pulled his sleeves even more over his arms until his fingers were hidden. He curled up tighter in the corner and held his breath, waiting for the insults to come flying.

After a few minutes of silence he looked up to see three faces looking at him, one in barely held back disgust- Weasley, one of curiosity- Granger, and one of almost..understanding. Ha. Yeah right. Potter could never understand. He rolled his eyes again and pulled his hood down aggressively, showing his pale face, tired bags and hair messily falling above his eyes.
"There. Happy? You can see my face, now put the bloody wands away. I'm not going to hex you. I'm done with that."
Potter and Granger immediately took slightly sheepish faces and took their hands away from their wands whereas Weasley just glared at him like he was the scum of the earth. Good. He was.

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