Chapter 5: saving Black.

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Ok this one is legit all just suicide except for like one sentence of fluff at the end. Sorry not sorry.

Christmas was drawing near. They had all finished their Christmas homework already, having loads of free time not worrying about Voldemort. They'd all begun to use first names and Harry had finally begun to look Draco in the eye. Draco knew he had it good, he had his mother, his aunt, his little cousin, all his friends and a good education- his life was finally becoming what he wanted it to be as a child, but he still hated it. He had been tainted, he had the constant reminder of what scum he was on his arm, surrounded by beautiful tattoos. He was gaining hundreds of scars over his waist and thighs-Blaise, Pansy and 'mione checked his arms everyday. He hadn't had a nightmare free night since he got the mark and he was shunned by the entire school, take away the slytherins and a handful of griffindors, that's wasn't different then it had always been but the beatings were new. At least three times a week he was dragged away and kicked, punched, hexed within an inch of his life. One particular boy, who's mother had been killed in the war, even used the cruiciatus curse in him and was both angry and horrified when he found that all Draco did was smile(grimace) and say,
"Please, I've had this done to me a million times, be more original."

He exchanged letters with his mother regularly and had been given about 15 pictures of Teddy with them, 6 or 7 of which he gave to Harry. The two of them liked to sit on Draco's bed and read Teddy's 'adventures' in the manor, usually dissolving into unrestrained laughter, like when he had found Lucius' study and destroyed it. The more time they spent together, the more the boys became good friends. Draco knew that he'd had an unhealthy obsession with Harry since first year but this was even worse. Whenever Harry walked into a room his heart started beating faster, his face flushed slightly and his throat tightened up. Another reason why he hated himself: he was hopelessly in love with a man. (I am not homophobic I am gay myself just let me explain before you go judging me)
As a pure blood he had to marry a woman. That's what he had been told from the beginning. He was wrong. He was wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

A hand clicked in front of his face.
Draco looked up to see the boy who lived looking at him cautiously. Tears filled in his eyes and without thinking, he ran out of the room, sprinting at full speed to wherever his feet would take him. In this case it was the astronomy tower. His chest was burning from lack of oxygen and his face was dripping wet and salty tears like a shower. He stopped 5 meters away from the edge, his breathing ragged and his feet aching. His mind was completely muddled except for one thought.
die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Do it. Jump. Jump. Jump.

As his feet were about to leave the edge he heard a door being smashed open. He quickly looked behind him and came face to face with Pansy, Hermione and Harry. They all looked to where he was and he watched the colour quickly drain from all of their faces. Harry took a step forward but immediately stopped when Draco called out,
"Take another step and I jump."
Pansy looked him in the eye, taking in his bloodshot eyes and grief stricken face. She reached out with her left hand and said,
"This won't solve anything Dray. Let us help you. Please Dray,"- she opened her arms invitingly-" come here. Let us save you."
They watched carefully as he thought it over. Pansy saw as Draco battled with his demons, watched as he told himself that he'd be better off dead even though he longed for nothing but to come off the ledge and be held softly, to be wrapped up in someone's arms and told that it would all be ok. Just as they thought he was going to come down Draco shook his head and told them,
"No. I can't, not this time Pans. There is only one way I am coming down from here today."
Harry immediately shouted as a last resort,
"Draco please! Please I'm begging you to come down. Please Dray we need you!"
Draco looked him in the eye and smiled sadly, a single tear falling down his cheek elegantly.
"No Harry, you don't."
With that, he turned and jumped, only hearing the shrill scream of his name that came from Harry's lips before it was the rushing of air falling past his ears.

Just as he was about to hit the ground he heard a gruff spell being cast. It only registered as a cushioning charm when he didn't feel the bone crushing pain as he hit the ground and instead got immediately wrapped in a pair of muscular, not too much so, arms. The momentary shock wore off and he scrambled to get up, crying out in frustration when the arms didn't let up.
"Let me go! You should have just let me die! Let me die please please let me just die. I want to die I want to die I want to die just let me die pleas I beg you just let me"-
His face was crushed into someone's shoulder and the arms moved round to his back, rubbing soothing circles and rocking him back and forward like you would a small child. Draco crumbled at the kind touch and dissolved into broken sobs and self-depreciating half sentences falling out of his mouth every couple of seconds, which were immediately hushed by the other.

After ten minutes or so, Draco's hands had buried themselves in the others shirt. The others hands hadn't left his back and he looked up into the warm eyes of Ronald Weasley. Too tired and distraught to even be surprised he jump buried his head in Rons chest again, a fresh set of tears coming to his eyes as the trio who tried to talk Draco down from the tower came running around the corner. They all sighed in pure relief when they saw Ron gently holding a shaking Draco. Harry walked silently up to them and Ron nodded, moving the crying boy into Harry's open arms, instead walking to his girlfriend and giving her a hug of her own.

Draco gripped onto Harry with all of his strength and in return, was held with just as much emotion. He suddenly was overcome with exhaustion and Harry was extremely warm and comfortable. Just as he was falling into a peaceful sleep he heard three voices talking quietly and a brief kiss being placed on his forehead.     

The Last Black.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora