Chapter 4: becoming a Black.

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3 weeks into the school year, Draco had managed to evade everyone's attempts to see his arm, which had grown from around 50 lifted lines to around 130. He had gone through about 20 bandages which had been given to him by a house elf named Zilly. He had been called names in the corridors and had been taken aside and beaten 17 times in 3 weeks, he'd been counting. The only reason he hadn't thrown himself off of the astronomy tower was because Severus and Dumbledore had portraits in there. God only knows how many portraits the men had, he only knew of 3 each at first but apparently they were all over the castle. He constantly had someone by his side, the only exceptions being in the bathroom and when he was sleeping.

He had been in contact with his mother, who told him that his aunt Andromeda and her grandson, his little cousin, Teddy had moved into the manor. He had been pretty excited at the news, knowing that the manor wouldn't be so terrible with a happy little 4 year old running around.

He had also began to realise that since Potter had saved him from Corner and Boot, Pansy and Granger has been getting along a lot more. They walked up to each other in classes and willingly sat next to each other at dinner time. Weasley had grudgingly began to get along with Blaise and Theo, however still wasn't really a fan of Draco and Crabbe. Potter seemed to be fine with everyone except him, becoming nervous when speaking and not being able to look Draco in the eye. Draco pinned it down to the fact that he thought Draco was a mess, too weak and pathetic to talk to. On the bright side, Draco had become good friends with a ravenclaw in the year below called Luna, both of them going down to the forest every Wednesday and Friday evening to care for the Thestrals and go looking for Nargles together. He had also become acquainted with Finigan and Thomas, the three of them talking about their quidditch team and 'fighting' over who's team was better. He, Longbottom and Granger gathered in the library (when their friends were too lazy) to study together and/or help each other with different subjects: Longbottom with Herbology, Draco with Potions and Granger with literally everything else. He even got along with Weasley after a while, after he had grudgingly admitted that Draco was the king of wizards chess. For a while though, forgetting the names, forgetting the cuts across his arms, forgetting how much of a scumbag he was, he could be happy for a few hours. He let his walls come down and had fun with his friends.


One weekend, Draco felt particularly awful and hid away in his room all day before getting dragged out by Granger and Pansy. He was dragged into an empty classroom, the door locked behind him where Luna, Weasley and Potter were waiting, sat on seats or tables, all watching him. He swallowed loudly and looked around to see if there was an exit to escape out of, which of course there wasn't. Luna waltzed up briskly and gave him a warm hug, melting away all of his stress and he practically melted into a puddle right there and then. She pulled away and gave him a grand smile before leading him to sit down next to her and Potter. He cleared his throat.
"So.. uh.. what are you guys doing?"
"We're all going to Hogsmeade."
Potter replied, not looking him in the eye. Draco's eyes widened and he looked around to see the others all nodding at him and smiling. He sighed.
"Alright fine. I know that there's no point in saying no. I have Pans and Granger against me, I'd be a fool to deny them."
Pansy clapped her hands together.
"Great. Lets go."


They all arrived in Hogsmeade 15 minutes later, and all of them, if he may say so, looked pretty good. Pansy was rocking a black, fitting dress with 5 inch heels, coming up to Draco's eyebrows. Granger was wearing a pink jumper with blue jeans that were ripped at the knees and black pumps. Luna had a flowing pink dress that went down to her knees and blue converse, her spectrespecs and a pair of dangling earrings in the shape of potions. Harry wore his normal shirt with a pair of ripped jeans and his usual black trainers, his hair a complete mess but somehow looking good anyway. Finally, Draco wore black skinny jeans and a forest green button up shirt that covered his arms and his black dress shoes. His hair was glued back neatly but once piece still fell into his eyes annoyingly.

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