Chapter 2: the scar.

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The next morning Draco woke up to Pansy Parkinson's face 3 inches away from his own, he leapt up in the air and yelled out,
"What the hell Pans?!"
"If you know what's good for you Draco Lucius Malfoy, you'll be quiet."
She ordered. He flinched at his last name again, like he did the night before, and gulped at her tone. It was only then that he realised that his sleeve must have rolled up during he night and that Blaise, Theo and Crabbe were now crowding round his bed, Blaise holding his left arm in place. His left arm was, for no better word, mutilated. It held the black magic that created the dark mark on his skin, the treacherous thing squirming around gruesomely. That wasn't what they were all looking at though, they were all looking, wide eyed, at the hundreds of nauseating, jagged white lines covering the skin of his left arm sticking out obnoxiously. Some were smaller and thinner and some were large, rugged and then there were the burns. He had a few of those. Retched pink ovals permanently marked into his skin. Draco swallowed anxiously, wanting to do nothing but crawl under the covers and never return, before he could all eyes turned back to him. He shrunk under their gazes. Pansy was the first to speak, her voice shrill and filled with anger.
He looked at the duvet in shame, face flushing and his eyes began to feel suspiciously glassy. He clenches his eyes closed and tried to will away the tears but when Blaise shook his arm, still waiting for an answer, they flowed forward and down his face, his voice cracking in his throat and only sobs came out. Immediately he was pulled into an embrace by Pansy, her hands stroking his hair gently, softly whispering reassuring sentences into his hair where her face was resting. His chin being cushioned by her shoulder, her allowed her to rock him back and forth as she would a child and simply wept. He cried and sobbed and sniffled because he could. Because the last time he cried was when he had to try and kill dumbledore, that was over a year ago and he had lost so much since then. He had lost his father- not that he ever really had one, his cousin he didn't even know he had, his godfather, his aunt, his friend, so many of his classmates, his freedom, his hope, his chance at a normal life and, by far the worst experience he ever had(and he'd been on the receiving end of a crucio), he'd lost his virginity. Antonin Dolohov had been less then kind when the Dark Lord had ordered someone to punish Draco for his inability to kill Dumbledore. He had been forced to watch as Gregory Goyle burned in the flames of the spell Goyle had made himself, he was made to walk across that damn courtyard to join the deatheaters against. His. Will. He had believed that the only hope for the wizarding world, the boy he made fun of for so long because he had things that Draco never could, was dead. He watched as his fathers soul was ripped out by dementors and had to sit in a spiked cage waiting to be sentenced for Azkaban. He had come close, yes, but not once had the tears fallen. So now he did. He let everything out.


Once he finally ran out of tears Pansy let him go, she smiled at him and kissed his cheek before leaving to go get changed. The boys, Blaise, Theo and Crabbe, all left him to go to their own bunks, smiling at him but not saying a word. He quickly got up before he lost his nerve and got dressed, washing away any evidence hat he was crying in the bathroom and, using a controlled sectumsempra, cut a few lines into his arm, making the dark mark even more indistinguishable. He hurriedly wrapped his arm up so that the bleeding wouldn't go trough his shirt and walked out into the slytherin common room. It had forest green walls with 10 emerald green sofas and at least 2 mahogany tables with 12 chairs to each table. The walls were covered in slytherin banners and had one portrait which was currently occupied by Severus Snape, who was looking down across the common room with something that looks the tiniest bit like a smile. There was a silver rug decorating the floor and a brown fireplace roaring the corner by his and his friends sofa. It wasn't theirs but everyone treated it like it was. The lanterns were scattered across the room to give it light, there were no windows in the dungeon after all. Draco walked up to Snapes portrait, giving his godfather a grin.
"I could've sworn I just saw you smiling at some of the first years Sev."
Severus frowned and stuck his nose in the air comically.
"I have no idea what you're talking about Draco."
Draco sniggered quietly.
"Sure, Severus, sure."
Just as Snape was about to reply the others came bounding in, way too energetic for the morning, and grabbed Draco by his arm(the right one, not left). Pansy attached herself onto him and linked her arm in his. She then proceeded to wave happily at Severus and drag Draco away towards the great hall.

On the way there, at some point Pansy had let Draco go and he was trudging along behind the group, listening to them but not really initiating any contact. Before he had anytime to react, he was being dragged into a different corridor with a hand over his mouth and eyes. He yells were muffled and his attempts to get away were useless as he was yanked around corridors.

Eventually he was thrown into a wall on the other side of the castle. Two boys from Ravenclaw, Micheal Corner and Terry Boot, has him pinned against the wall. Sneers painted the boys' faces. Draco arched an eyebrow.
"Yes? Is there a reason you dragged me here or are you just going to stare-!"
His sentence ended in a grunt as he was kneed in the guts. The two began to beat him, not giving him a chance to breath or fight back. He felt bones crack and his nose was definitely bleeding at the point. All the while they were spitting out phrases like,
"Deatheater scum."
"You should be rotting in Azkaban."
"You're pathetic."
"Vile bastard."
He nodded. Yes. Yes they were right he was. He wanted to say so but everything hurt, his eyes, his cheekbones, his neck, his nose, his ribs and stomach. He fell to the ground, unable to keep himself up. They began to kick him ruthlessly and as he began to loose consciousness, he was aware of a shout,
Before he blacked out.


Toby was walking down the corridor with his new friend, Daniel, who was a hufflepuff, when he heard it. Grunts of pain and people shouting things. He looked at Daniel to see that he had heard as well. They crept up to the corner and when they looked round the corner what Toby saw made him feel sick to his stomach.

The boy who saved him from the bullies yesterday was being beaten mercilessly. Him and Daniel spared a single glance before they were off, sprinting down the corridors, yelling for someone to help. As they came round a corner he ran head on into someone. Before he fell to the ground he was being caught and looked up into the eyes of the 'boy who lived'. He immediately took a step back, grabbed his arm as Daniel was doing with Ron and Hermione, yelling,
"Please! You've got to come quick! He's gonna die!"
Harry, being the saviour he is, ran after the boys and Toby sprinted as fast as he could. He needed to get back to that boy before he was beaten to death. He finally rounded the corner and looked pleadingly up at Harry.
"Please, please you've got to save him. He saved me!"
Harry's face turned from confused to murderous when he realised what was going on and before he knew what he was doing, he was sprinting head on towards the boys and yelling,

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