Chapter 6: loving Black.

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When Draco came back to the land of the conscious, he was surrounded by his friends and teachers for the second time that year. The only differences were that it was dark outside, Toby was nowhere to be seen and Harry was the only one awake. As their eyes locked, Harry's face lit up in a mixture of emotions; relief, happiness and stone cold fury. Draco quickly sat up against the back of his bed, looking anywhere but Harry, not wanting to see him. Harry didn't give him a chance to explain, grabbing his chin non-too-lightly and forcing Draco to look him in the eye.
"You bastard. What the hell did you think you were doing?"
He spat, his eyes red and tired from lack of sleep and tears. Draco swallowed and his eyes began to water when he looked back to everyone around him, everyone who were waiting for him to wake up, everyone he almost left behind. He felt the tears fall down his cheeks like a water fall and heard a mutter that sounded suspiciously like "oh Dray.." before being wrapped up in Harry's arms. It was then he realised that he was shaking, sobbing and his head was hurting a lot more then normal. He let himself be manhandled by his 'friend' into a hug. Harry's legs were either side of his own, his back resting on Harry's chest and Harry's chin resting on his shoulder. Muscular arms wrapped around his waist and he turned his head to sob into Harry's neck, the arms moving to his back where they rubbed small circles. They stayed like that until way after Draco had finished crying, falling asleep hugging each other, warm and safe.

They only woke when their was a snap and a flash, signalling Pansy's muggle phone-device thingy. As Draco opened one eye, he came face to face with ten other students; Pansy, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Dean, Seamus and Neville. All awake and giggling at the two sleeping boys on the hospital bed. Draco shook his head and poked Harry on the shoulder until he woke.
"Mm- wha? Wha's goin' on?"
"Eloquent, Potter. They're taking pictures of us."
"Oh. That's all?"
The two of them said quietly, unfazed by their friends. The slytherins all pouted, not liking that their ice prince wasn't upset about them taking pictures as he usually would be. Instead he simply smirked at them and snuggled closer into Harry's neck, getting a hand running softly through his bed head in return. Seamus gave a wolf whistle and Harry stuck up his middle finger.
Draco then realised the situation, very lately, and shot up, hitting Harry's chin on the way. His face went bright red and he immediately began to explain that it wasn't what it looked like, stuttering every other word. Pansy grinned insanely.
"Suuurreeeee Dray. Whatever you say."
Harry had stopped poking at his sore chin by this point and sat up behind Draco, holding his waist again to secure him there, recognising the look on Hermione's face. Draco went even redder at the embrace and went to struggle only to realise he couldn't move much like this.
"Hey! What are you-.."
His face paled when he saw everyone's smiles had grown somber and realised where this conversation was going. He shook his head desperately and told them,
"No. Nonono. I'm not talking about this. Not right now."
"If not now then when Dray? I've known you my entire life.. if we don't talk now you'll find a way to avoid it forever. Please.."
Pansy begged, sitting next to them and holding Draco's hand, rubbing the back of it softly. He looked at the duvet sadly, shame splattered on his face. Hermione went first. With the question everyone wanted to know.
Harry went next.
"Dray? Do you really want to die?"
"Draco please.. how long have you wanted to die?"
Ron was next, but his question was the one that took Draco off guard.
"Where did those scars on your waist and legs come from?"
Draco looked up sharply and saw Pansy, Blaise, Theo and Hermione look murderous. He winced and turned slowly to Harry who wore the exact same expression. He stared Draco in the eye. Draco turned away, unable to keep up the gaze and said nothing.

They continued to try and ask him questions and he continued to be silent. Eventually they got too frustrated with his lack of answer and gave up, leaving him alone with Harry, Blaise and Pansy, his three closest friends by this point. As he went to lean back on Harry, he felt a shove between his shoulder blades and Harry moved. He got up from the bed, leaving Draco cold, and sat next to Blaise, looking Draco dead in the eye. Pansy, looking regretful, let go of his hand and stood next to the two boys, her arms crossed. They all stared at him, waiting for a response. Draco said nothing, looking hurt at the lack of touch. Harry sighed and said,
"You're not getting hugged, or touched for that matter, until you tell us something. Anything about why you did it."
Draco's eyes welled up with tears again, he faintly thought of how much he was crying recently, and shrugged. None of them reacted. When he realised that they were serious he panicked. 'I can't say anything! They'll think I'm weak not that I'm not weak but they'll hate me more then they already do I mean what will everyone think its a really cowardly thing to do and no one likes me already so it'll be really bad but they're my friends so it'll be even worse why are they not touching me have I done something wrong again since this morning are they finally getting rid of me nonono I'm sorry please don't get rid of me.' His thoughts were getting more and more scared, his hands growing sweaty and tears falling down his face again. Pansy looked horribly guilty, trying her hardest not to go over to her brother and hug him until that pathetically sad face was smirking and being happy again, but she restrained. For the first time since the questioning, Draco spoke, his voice small and cracking.
"P-please.. don't leave me... I don't want to be alone....please..."
At this, Pansy lost her self control and went to hug him, only being stopped by Blaise's grip on her elbow. She looked at him to snap something about letting her go when she saw his face, it was pale and his lips were quivering, his eyes suspiciously watery. She realised, looking at Harry and seeing the same thing only more determined, that they were all going through the same struggle and calmed herself down.

Harry's voice came out strong, but wavering slightly.
"We're not leaving you Dray. We just need you to answer us."
Draco sobbed and shook his head violently,
"I c-can't!"
'Oh fuck it.' Pansy thought, ripping her elbow from Blaises grasp, and jumped on the bed next to Draco, holding him tightly and promising him quietly that they'll never leave him. She felt the bed dip next to her and saw Harry and Blaise doing the same thing, seemingly giving up on their self control too. They all stayed that like until lunch, all huddled together, convincing the blonde that they were still there.

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