victoria's pov

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We pulled up to the party, and I was immediately in awe of the house.

"Who the fuck is Carter Green? How does he have this much money," I asked.

"No one knows. Has to be something illegal though. I've got my bet on meth lab in the basement." Zander said.

We all piled out of the car in our costumes. Mine was a top gun flight agent suit, Amelia dressed in a Winnie the Pooh onesie, and Zander and Hayley in couples costumes as mr. and mrs. Incredible.

"Zander I will give you 10 bucks if you find meth in the basement," Amelia told him.

"Alright, bet." Zander spit into the palm of his hand, and Amelia did the same before they shook hands. They both winced at the nasty feeling of the small puddles enclosed in their palms, a feeling we all know much too well.

The house had a grand entrance, with three balconies looking over on each floor. We could see right out to the living room and backyard, where everyone had pooled.

"Everyone remember the rules? Okay good. I'll be DD," I said.

In high school, the four of us created a set of rules for the parties that we went to. They went as follows:

1. No one drinks alone. Buddy system.
2. One person must not drink. Not even a little bit.
3. DD has to monitor the rest of us. No canoodling or getting distracted.
4. When one person blacks out, wants to leave, or are affected by other circumstances, everyone in the group leaves at once.
5. We arrive with 4, we leave with 4.

By following these 5 rules, we have locked down a pretty secure system that takes the awkwardness and uncertainty away from these house parties.

The backyard was absolutely huge, complete with a pool, tennis court, and an outside kitchen and bar.

"Incredibles beer pong! Let's goooo!" Hayley yelled at Zander, and the two of them raced off. Amelia lingered around with me while we looked around.

People watching has always been my favorite thing to do, and this party certainly did not let me down. In the corner there was the typical weed circle, the bar was full of girls making their drinks of choice, and there were even a few people in the pool.

I was zoned out, and I didn't even notice a strange man hobbling up to me.

"Yo, you must be carters girl! I knew he was hiding something from me! If you're looking for him, he's inside in the living room," he giggled and left.

"What was all that about?" I asked.

"I don't know, but you have got to go talk to Carter!" Amelia said, pushing me off the bench we were seated on.

"I don't think so. Carter probably doesn't even know I exist," I laughed, "and besides, I can't leave you. Buddy system remember, it's literally rule number one."

"I won't drink until you get back, I promise. Plus I'll go find Zander and Amelia, I can monitor them so that way we're not breaking the rules.

"Okay, fine, fine. I'll go. But if something terrible happens you are getting the full blame." I tell her before getting up and going to the living room.

The living room had the highest ceilings I had ever seen, with a view to the three balconies over head from each of the floors. The tv was bigger than my bathroom and below it was a white leather sectional. In the corner, a very handsome boy I recognized from the snapchat video Amelia had shown me earlier. Carter had his feet propped up on the other side of the couch, flipping through the channels and sipping from a red solo cup.

"Go, go!" Amelia urged me. I was starting to get the feeling she was more excited than I was.

I awkwardly sat next to Carter. "What are you watching?" I asked.

"So it's you! Everyone's been telling me 'my girlfriends here' and 'cute couples costume' and I've been so confused! But all makes since now," he chuckled.

"Someone said that to me too! I didn't understand either."

"Well, if anyone's gonna be my girlfriend I'm glad she's at least hot," he smiled up at me. I blushed, not sure how to take the compliment. I suspected he was a fuck boy, but I didn't want him to be so I suppressed that thought.

"Oh please, I'm sure you say that to hundreds of girls."

"Not true. You're my twin so you're of course going to be gorgeous," he winked at me. I felt embarrassed for thinking I was special.

"You still haven't answered my question," I said, pointing to the TV. "What are you watching?"

"Oh right. Well right now I can't decide. There's nothing on good and if I wasn't throwing a party right now I'd go to the movie room and put on Jurassic Park," he sighed.

"I've actually never seen that," I confessed, mostly thinking out loud.

"What?! It's a classic. My favorite movie hands down," he said whilst flailing his arms, almost spilling the contents of his drink.

He must have noticed me examining it, because he offered me a sip.

"Oh I can't, I'm DD," I told him.

"Relax, it's coke," he chuckled, extending his arm for me to take a drink. I took the cup and sipped.

"Thanks," I said.

The rest of the night we continued to talk about Jurassic Park and our other favorite movies. About ourselves too. He was easy to talk to and our personalities seemed to go well together.

The best part, I got his number.

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