victoria's pov

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I woke up and immeaditly felt nauseous. I looked around and recognized that I was on Shawn's couch, and the events of the night before came rushing back. Walking in on Hayley and Carter, arguing with them, and then running away.

I felt embarrassed I came to Shawn's door in the state I was in. I was stumbling and barely able to speak because I was so drunk. He shouldn't have to deal with me like that; he's too good of a person.

I looked around and I couldn't find Shawn anywhere. I looked in the kitchen, his music room, and the bathroom but he wasn't anywhere. I debated going upstairs, but I had never been up there before and I didn't want to be rude.

I heard a meow and saw Madonna curling up in the blanket I was using on the couch. I smiled at her and sat down next to her to pet her.

Just a few minutes later, the front door opened and Shawn walked in, dressed in all black athleisure and dripping sweat.

"Hey look who's up," he smiled at me. "How are you feeling?"

I followed him into the kitchen where he filled up with water bottle. I avoided his question with another question.

"Did you go on a run?"

"I did, I do every morning actually," he laughed. "I go insane if I don't do something to start my day. I feel sluggish and gross if I don't." He explained.

"I just make sure I leave the house at least once and that does it for me," I told him.

We both laughed. We got quiet as he continued to do things in his kitchen and I debated with myself about wether or not I should say something about last night. I decided I should at least say thanks for letting me crash here.

"Hey, um sorry about last night and thanks for letting me stay here. It means a lot," I said awkwardly.

"It's not a problem. You can stay as long as you need," he smiled at me. God he was so perfect. "Oh your phone has been blowing up all night, you might want to call or text them. I plugged your phone in in the back of the music room near the piano," he gestured towards it.

I went and checked it and saw several messages from Zander and Amelia, but as well as a ton from Carter and Hayley to which I rolled my eyes.

I decided to call Zander to see what it was like at the house and if I could come home. He picked up after only two rings.

"Victoria? Oh my god Victoria where are you? Are you okay?" He answered frantically.

"I'm at Shawn's, I slept here last night. I'm fine," I told him.

"Oh thank god. Don't do that again! You scared the crap out of us."

"I know i'm sorry. I just couldn't bring myself to text anyone. I wasn't in the headspace to talk."

He sounded like he was going to say something stern again, but then stopped. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're alright."

"How are things over there? Are they there?" I couldn't even bare to say their names.

"Carter was gone before I got here but Hayley was still here and she told us what happened. But mel and I told her off and told her to leave but she
won't until she talks to you. She's waiting for you to come home and she won't budge."

"Tell her to fuck off I don't want to talk to her." Tears we're forming in my eyes and I tried to stop them but it was no use.

"I know I've tried telling her but she won't."

"I'm not coming home until she leaves. I can't bare to even look at her right now."

"I understand. I'll try talking to her again. But please consider coming home. We all miss you like crazy."

I didn't know what to say so I just hung up.

I walked back into the kitchen, making sure to wipe under my eyes so he couldn't tell I was crying, but I think he knew anyway. I sat down at the island.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

I nodded, but for some reason every time I get asked that question it makes things worst, and eventually I was full on sobbing in front of him. I tried to hide my face but I could still feel his eyes on me.

I hated crying in front of people. Absolutely hated it. It was the only thing I hated more that talking about myself, and I had a feeling that that was coming soon too.

"Hey hey hey hey don't cry don't do that," I heard him say and come around the counter to comfort me. He sat on the bench next to me and rubbed my back until I could talk.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I wanted to say no, but I needed to rant so I started talking.

"Every time I think about either one of them or the situation my heart just gets so heavy. I can't even imaging doing that to someone you know? I just feel like such a damn idiot for not doing something earlier when I thought something was wrong in the first place. I feel like it's all my fault somehow. Like, maybe if I gave him more attention or bought him more things or did my makeup better so I was prettier he wouldn't feel the need to go to her. If I was better he wouldn't leave me." I looked at my lap the whole time.

"Victoria you are one of the prettiest girls i've ever met. Inside and out. You are enough for any reasonable guy, he is just a huge dick. Don't talk about yourself like that.

I finally looked up at him, and for the first time I realized I might have feelings for him.

oh fuck.

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