victoria's pov

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"Zander do we have any flour?" I asked from the kitchen.

"I'd assume not if we're out," he replied, not even looking up from his video game.

"Okay, I'm going to see if Shawn has any. I'll be back," I told him, putting on my coat.

I left the house and walked over to Shawn's, where I knocked on his door. I waited a few minutes and just as I thought he wasn't home, he opened the door.

"H-" he tried to say something, but instead had a huge coughing fit. I couldn't help but notice the strong smell as well as him holding something behind his back.

"Shawn are you, are you stoned?" I laughed.

He glared at me as he continued coughing. Finally, he managed to get out a few words.

"Come inside I don't want the pap noticing my doors open and that I'm hacking up a lung." I did as he said and went inside, shutting the door behind me.

"You know, it's not very nice to ring someone's doorbell when they are mid hit," he laughed now that his episode was over.

"Sorry, I'll give you more of a warning next time," I smiled at him.

"What did you need anyway?" He asked. In all the commotion I had forgotten the reason I had come over in the first place.

"Oh right, I wanted to know if you had some flour I could borrow?" I asked him.

"Uhh, I think so. Let me check. Can you hold this?" He gave me the joint he was holding.

"Only if I can hit it," I chuckled.

"No problem."

I brought the blunt up to my mouth, and took a huge drag. Shawn was rustling through his cabinets, but stopped and looked at me in awe at the hit I was taking.

"Jesus Victoria who hurt you?"

I stopped and took another inhale to made sure it properly went to my lungs before exhaling. "It's been on hell of a week."

"Seems like it. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"No it's okay, I wouldn't want to burden you with my problems," I told him.

"Are you sure? I've got tons of time."

"Let's just say I'm pretty sure my boyfriend is cheating on me with my best friend but I'm too much of a pussy to say anything cause I'm still not sure so I don't want to falsely accuse them and then have it look like I have trust issues and —holy shit this stuff is strong." I sunk down into his couch while the blunt hit me.

He laughed at me while plopping down beside me, and his laughter triggered my laughter and we both laughed uncontrollably for a good five minutes.

Eventually we stopped long enough to continue our conversation.

"So, in conclusion I'm fucked and in denial of the whole situation," I told him.

"Yeah that sounds really rough. Have you noticed enough to be hard evidence? Maybe you should just ask them? I don't know bro I'm not good with all the relationship stuff," he chuckled, and I join in. I really appreciate how we were able to have this conversation without him absolutely freaking about it. Granted it was probably the weed making it seem less serious than it is, but it was nice to talk about what's been bothering me without freaking out like I have been.

"I would ask them but I think I just don't want it to be true. Like right now I know it might not be true but if I ask them and it is, then my worst fear comes true." I grabbed the joint from him and hit it again.

"I think my biggest fear is being forgotten," Shawn said. "Like right now I have it so good you know? I'm terrified that I'm going to do something to mess it up and then everyone will move on and forget about me and I'll be homeless and even then no one will look longer than it takes to say 'he had his whole life ahead of him but he ruined it.' I'll be nothing but a disappointment to the world."


We sat in silence for a while, looking at the ceiling and thinking about what we had both said.

"If it makes you feel better I really don't think you could doing anything that would make everyone hate you, you're too nice. I mean look at Justin Bieber. He used to pee in mop buckets and get in fights but everyone still loves him," I told him.

"He really did do that didn't he," he laughed. "That does make me feel better, thanks."

I nodded at him as to say, "you're welcome."

We sat in more silence. We could have continued our deep conversation, but I think we were both too high.

After a while I checked my phone and realized I had been there for almost 45 minutes, so I told Shawn I should probably leave and we both got up."

"Oh, here's your flour," he laughed going to the kitchen and giving me a cup full of flour he had made earlier.

"Thanks. I completely forgot about that."

"No problem. Good luck on your situation and if you want to talk about it more later you've got my number," he said.

I nodded before grabbing the cup and giving him a final goodbye before leaving.

When I walked into my house, Zander could immediately smell the pot on me.

"Jesus Vicky you said you were just going to get flour," he stared at me, shocked that did something rebellious when I'm typically the goodie tissues.

"I did," I giggled, shaking the cup.

He smiled at me and watched as I used the flour to finish baking the cookies I had started making an hour ago.

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