Few days ago

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Few days ago...

"A flush! I win." I smirked at the substitute math teacher and the horrid look on his face entertained me. He looked in disbelief at the cards I dropped.

"What?! No way!" He was shocked that I've won. Other people in the school were staring at us so intensely and I just kept my poker face.

"Mr. Farrell, you owe me $500." I spoke while smiling. After a week, I finally got back to my usual self and had the chance to gamble with the teacher who thought so highly of himself.

"You, You cheated!" He shouted at me.

"Cheated?" I pointed at myself. "Everybody here knows that I didn't cheat. To be honest, it's you who cheated."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" He angrily asked me.

"That's such an old fashioned trick, sir. Suggesting that we use your cards because you suspect that using mine would help me cheat. Plus, you even mentioned that a teacher wouldn't do such things like cheating." I shook my head while picking the King of hearts with two fingers and showed him. "In fact, you're the one who cheated. Putting marks on the high ranking cards. Just like this one, there's a small cut at the end of the right top of the card."

His eyes widened, showing that he couldn't believe I figured it out.

"The moment when you said that I shouldn't mind your cards because they're a bit old since you last used them, I suspected. However, I had to play several rounds in order to confirm my suspicions." Everyone around us widened their eyes and started whispering. "Anyways, the fact that you're gambling means that you're ready to win... or lose. So, I hope you can pay the debt."

He was so confident that gambling with a student is a hundred percent win for him, not to mention, he's someone who's always seeking for money. He was always eyeing the cards in my hands for the marks, but I tried to quickly memorize every card. I combined the cards I was holding to a stack of cards, revealing only the back of the last card which was the lowest rank, visible for him.

"So? Can you pay or not, sir?" I asked him and he still seemed to be in great shock while being speechless.

"I-I can't." He muttered while I was seeing sweats running down his face. We're behind the school and it's during lunchtime, but everyone gathered around here to see us.

"Alright, I won't rush. Please take your time." I casually said and the bell suddenly rang.

"Oh, class starts and I haven't eaten anything yet." I got up from the chair and was about to head to the canteen, but not before, greeting my substitute teacher a farewell.

"I hope you had fun gambling!"


Last few days...

"FELICITA!!!" Mr. Henry Tate yelled angrily throughout the whole school.

He must've seen my masterpiece I've been working hard on since dawn.

"Did you like it, sir?" I was roller skating in the hallway in a helmet in case I needed to escape. Fast.

"Woah!" James came to me with an amazing expression. "You sprayed on Tate's desk?"

"I also effortfully drew his face on his car as well. Can't wait till he sees this!" I high-fived James and started roller skating.

"I REGRET GIVING YOU THAT CITIZENSHIP AWARD!" He stomped off with a hot tomato face. "GET TO CLASS, EVERYONE!!"

Everybody instantly hurried to class while Tate turned to me.

"You'll pay for this!" He stomped off, pointing straight at my amusing face.

"It was a one week deal, by the way!" I shouted at him and continued my usual destruction to the school.

The day went by as usual and when school ended, I quickly went to the parking lot, waiting for Mr. Henry Tate.

"This is going to be epic!" I quietly uttered from the bench near the door.

People started coming out and some of them were dying with laughter, some with frowns, others were either don't know how to react or scared to react.

Mr. Henry Tate appeared and this was his limit.



"Great! You got expelled at the right time!" Pinky Mario congratulated through the phone.

"Not to mention, that final act of yours was really the finale. From disturbing and skipping while almost failing every class to violating other's property and getting almost every teacher in the association of gambling with you... I have no words to say or I'm surprised either." He continued as if it's something obvious.

"You guys raised our sister well." The 4D Alien said proudly.

"You're also her brother, V!" I heard Pinky Mario give V a slap.

"Then we should be proud of this accomplishment!" V replied and another slap was heard. "Ow!"

"Enough you two!" RM sighed. "She's not Felicita if she doesn't get detentions or expelled from school, is she?"

"RM, is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?" I asked him, rolling my eyes.

"Consider it as a compliment." He answered. "Anyways, just as Jin said, you're expelled at the right time."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Pack your bags. You're coming back to South Korea." RM calmly said and it would be an understatement if I said I was not surprised.

"What? How about school? And...."

"You will enroll in Jester Private Academy as a transfer student."

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